Make your own TSA universal luggage keys

This is pretty much the same reasoning as to why there shouldn’t be backdoors into encryption systems. You simply can’t trust the government to keep their ‘secret’ key secret.


This is why I always use Tamperlock luggage security, They’re great and give me a real level of comfort.

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Thought. What about a little device that logs the times of opening the luggage (and possibly the times of big jolts)? Possibly operated via low-power Bluetooth, so the luggage tamper state can be queried from some distance. Would not tell you only if it was opened, but also when, and from that it can be inferred where.


Hello, officer. It’s perfectly harmless. Airport detention? That’s completely unnecessary. Let me explain …

Has to be small, concealed in the luggage structure (or, if standalone, look like an ordinary piece of electronics - luggage opening can be detected by a light sensor), and have ordinary looking xray signature. Not that difficult set of requirements.

“Yes, officer, this is my LuggageSentry 400. It tells me if somebody tampered with my luggage when I wasn’t looking, you know, for both my and your security…”

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