Makedo: connectors for cardboard construction fun

My kids (7 and 4) love to make things out of recycled cardboard, from curious Rube Goldberg-ian contraptions to palaces for stuffed animals. They do wonders with scissors, tape, and magic markers. A friend told us about Makedo, a system of reusable plastic clips and hinges for cardboard construction. We ordered a set and have… READ THE REST

Hrm, I’ll have to get a set of these. I bought a big pack of Mr. McGroovy’s cardboard rivets a few year’s back, but the kids aren’t yet old enough for them. Looks like each system has its strengths…

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Ah, I hadn’t seen these! They look cool too.

Buy it from your local retailer and they’ll gladly give you cardboard boxes to get you started.

Problem is, they cost $24 on Total ripoff. I have a set, and I was outraged to see the ripoff.

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