Making no apologies for Potterotica

I hate that g******n cadence with a passion. Is it laziness? Or do they all really want to sound the same? I never wanted to sound like others.

Well, except the Four Horsemen.

Once you have that SOUND and CADENCE
read a few recent newspapers, a People Magazine, Wired, Vogue, Pride and Prejudice the Goat-Footed Balloon Man and any given page of Finneganā€™s Wake,
then put your brain on AUTOPILOT and let your inner Markov-bot
take OVER
keeping JUST ENOUGH sense of presence to jump up on some piece of handy
and not FALL OFF
and YOU
to WIN
probably not the PRITZKER Prize or the NOBEL prize
but SOME sort of prize
or at least
a couple
of free

[drops mic]


They honestly and truly do not all have that cadence. There are some gods-awesome fantastic spoken word poets on this continentā€¦ ones who do some creative and compelling stuff with the mouths and bodies. The Youth Speaks poetry slam in San Francisco (do not miss the semi-finals! February or March-ish if memory serves) is a notable exception to the tasty-like-old-cardboard North American affected spoken word voice.

And please let us not forget that she played an utterly brilliant Kate from Taming of the Shrew in ShakespeaRe-Told. Oh dear gods that was a rib-splitting yucks-festā€¦ at least as funny as both the Airplane! movies combined.

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