Malala to Obama: US use of drones is 'fueling terrorism'

Sorry Malala, what fuels terrorism is a combination of your religion - Islam (kill the infidels and you’ll be rewarded with 100 virgins in paradise for your martyrdom), poverty and lack of education.

All this trite, Nobel Prize bickering in this thread is an ivory tower distraction from the core problem in the USA. Too many of you in this thread are focusing on that while the huge elephant in the room is dumping elephantine turds on your living room table.

The military-industrial complex creates and fuels its own profit centers. They create problems, then use that as an excuse to milk our tax money. Rinse. Repeat.

Meanwhile, they keep brainwashing the American public, politicians and a lot of soldiers into thinking this is all about protecting “freedom” instead of mere war profiteering. Fuck the peace prize, what are we going to do about these guys? They are making our world more dangerous while sucking away our lives and treasure. Isn’t it time to bring them down?

Oh, no… now I’m going to be accused of not “supporting the troops” and other conditioned, knee-jerk, jingoistic responses…

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