Mama cat gets annoyed with sassy grown kitten and hilariously drags her across room (video)

Originally published at: Mama cat gets annoyed with sassy grown kitten and hilariously drags her across room (video) - Boing Boing


I totally get it. Sometimes I wish I could grab my children by the neck and drag them across the room.

I love how the “kid” just sits there and takes it, but makes no effort at all to comply.


(Kid) Aww, Mum - don’t to that, I’'m not a kid any more!

(Mum) Well if you want to be treated like an adult, behave like one.


I do not live for clicks on tiktok, so would have carried the older sibling upstairs as soon as I realized her mom was trying to do that.

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Grabbing a cat by the scruff causes the cat to shut down. As a kitten, this is a useful survival reflex.

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