Man charged in chess row death

Outrage? Not at all. Amusement at how gore stories spread all over the internet despite very little fact being available.

It was his LUNG… take a DEEP BREATH.

Not like it was his heart, in which case I’d accuse you of having no empathy.


This is why computers will never be better at chess than humans, we make up the rules as we go.

Why do chess game manufacturers refuse to prohibit the sale of this obviously violent game to minors? Something must be done to stop this menace to our children. Before chess was invented, kids used to play outside. Now they just stay inside and stare at a board.


Also, they’re not armed… yet.

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This is why I play chess online.

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online ?!?!?! <shudder />

This is why I play chess by mail.


Muddy Waters? Chess? Surely you mean this:

Worst unboxing of anything, ever.

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YES, but did he get the other persons chess skills???

…i mean if you are going to ritualistically eat someone’s heart it is to get their powers right? seems legit. gotta haz the chess skills.

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At the very least he learned en passant.

and when he finished he put down his napkin and said, “Checkmate.”


Oh, I dunno – I was kinda thrilled to see the backside of CDs. Who knew!

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