I’m going to show my age and say that he is the spitting image of Dennis Dugan, the star of Richie Brockelmen, Private Eye.
Ya… But he CAN build it. Why shouldn’t he!
There is a lot of that going around. It may be a virus.
Pffft. If you want bat shit insane laser stuff, Styropyro is the guy to see. Here’s his 100+W continuous beam handheld laser.
Quick trailer for his channel
Hang on, a drone company is sponsoring a guy who makes dangerous lasers?! That does not bode well…
It’s a Disco 4, from what I can see, so not that old, in Land Rover terms, and the old VW Microbus has a much higher chance of randomly spontaneously combusting - I’ve seen a couple personally, never seen a Land Rover in flames, possibly because most of them are diesels.
“I said ‘send him to the lagoon’, not ‘send him to the moon’ you numskulls!”
I don’t care how dangerous this is.
TheBackYardScientist and Styropyro are my heroes.
Just the way he yada-yada’ed over the entire dual-telescope mounting process… amazing.
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