Originally published at: Man recreates Capitol Insurrection with plastic skeletons for Halloween | Boing Boing
A truly epic display, but I’m left wondering: with the entrance guarded as it is, where are the trick-or-treaters supposed to go to collect their candy? Surely he’s not encouraging the kids to break through the defenses?
Now that’s scary!
Ultimately the climbers won’t get much more than a slap on the metacarpals.
This looks like a normal tourist visit. Nothing to see here.
Day of the Living Brain-dead
He even included the Q-Anon shaman
I wish this guy was my neighbor.
Dear America - ignore Jan.6th at your own peril. If you don’t arrest and indict and IMPRISON the ringleaders, they will be back and the next time they’ll come armed with a lot more than zip ties and trump flags… I can guarantee you even as you’re reading this, the bad guys are reviewing their plans, what worked, what didn’t and they WILL be back unless they see harsh penalties. ***CPAC Is meeting in Orban’s Hungary next spring…***how much larger and clearer does the writing on the wall need to be before it’s too late??
Continuing the despot world tour…
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