Man sues date for texting in movie theater

I know the commercial is old, but that San Marcos accent cracks me up every time.


I like the cut of your jib. :slight_smile:


Aladdin, the movie with Sinbad?


Don’t make me quote ‘You Ain’t Never Had a Friend Like Me’ at you.

In this particular case it’s bad form because:

A) It alerts prospective dates to what a cheap, petty and vindictive person he is.

B) Because it seems like a lame ass PUA-esque ploy for attention. (Seriously, he’s on social media calling her “floozy” and bragging about how people are calling him a “hero.”)



I am so sorry, you poor thing! :frowning:

Completely serious. That's, like, some gitmo-style torture right there!

@lolipop_jones refers to the discussion here, not the article. Apparently @Akimbo_NOT finds it objectionable.

They care. But they’re only going to act if someone raises an order card to let their server let the manager know. Offenders get one warning. Then they’re booted without a refund. Alamo is actually quite good about this. I was watching Beauty and the Beast with a movie buddy. We were in the back corner with no one sitting close to us, and we let our whispered snark get a little too loud. We were given a polite warning, to which we apologized and quieted down. Good system IMO.


The cost of tic-tacs these days tho… /s

If I were on Bumble in Texas, I’d expect my friends to stage an intervention and get me the help I would need.


Shit, that was some valuable context. For whatever reason, I only read the headline and my brain went into a mode of imagining this as a funny sitcom episode, but with the human context, it made me imagine all the other ways you’d have to be a creepy ass in order to get to the point of a legal demand for a ticket price from a first date…

Here’s your badge and induction into the Read the fucking Article Force, you’ve done a service to crown and country!


Much like the residents of Austin, I don’t see Bumble having the potential to function properly in the rest of the state.

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Wouldn’t know. Even if I wasn’t married, I’d rather have dental work than use a dating app. Anyway, Austin is still one of the places I dislike least. Yeah, it’s changed a lot, and a fair bit of it has been for the worse. I could live elsewhere in Texas, but I wouldn’t. If I was going to relocate, it would be to a different state. But we’re pretty rooted here now after more 12 years.

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For my kid brother it was Top Gun. 8 years old, every morning twice in a row, complete with his very own cardboard-box-as-fighter-jet. Strangely, he never fast forwarded through the kissy bits.


Sorry, can’t like. Not my taste in music.

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Huh. There seems to be a surprisingly high number of people from Austin on bb. Or maybe just attracted to this thread, given the local flavor. I find myself wondering if I know any of you people.


I noticed that. Austin and the Bay Area seem to BBS population centers. I moved here from SoCal, and there’s a lot of Californian ex-pats here now. The city has literally doubled in population in the time I’ve lived here.

Generally I judge places by how much I dislike them, since I don’t really care for how people build cities/towns/villages/ect… They’re all just unaesthetic cluttered messes to me. Austin no less than others, and in fact it’s especially poorly planned out. I just like a lot of the people and places here.


Roger that. Based on your avatar plus your affinity to Texas I present the following:


Perhaps Savannah, Georgia is more to your liking:


Two of my favorite things. Would give two likes if possible.


More organized. Still sort of ugly as a whole (though Savannah has some nice buildings). The deep south is not for me. Yes, I know, but Austin has a more electric culture than the rest of Texas.

Anyway, it’s not rigid order I desire, nor top-down hierarchy. Human nature is just at war with elegance.

Mind you I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining. I accept it the way it is because I can’t do anything about it.