Man sues date for texting in movie theater

Don’ wanna be together
If they always be a texter

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his date – who he met on dating app Bumble

You want a date who doesn’t live on her smartphone? First blue-screen error here.


I’m hoping some awesome attorney steps up and does it pro bono but keeps careful track of her work and what it would have cost. That way, if she wins, the jerk is on the hook for the attorneys fees, but if he drops it, the woman isnt out any money.

*yes, the woman shouldn’t have been texting, but suing her over the ticket is just beyond the pale.

I followed the link and the article goes on to offer the date’s side.

“I did have a very brief date with Brandon that I chose to end prematurely. His behavior made me extremely uncomfortable, and I felt I needed to remove myself from the situation for my own safety. He has escalated the situation far past what any mentally healthy person would. I feel sorry that I hurt his feelings badly enough that he felt he needed to commit so much time and effort into seeking revenge. I hope one day he can move past this and find peace in his life.”

The woman told the Statesman that she only texted on her phone two or three times.

“I had my phone low and I wasn’t bothering anybody,” she said. She was texting a friend who was having a fight with her boyfriend, she said. “It wasn’t, like, constant texting.”

The woman told the paper that Vezmar had called her to ask her to pay him back for the movie ticket but she refused because “he took me out on a date.” Meanwhile, she said, she planned to file a protective order against Vezmar for contacting her little sister to get the money."

I don’t know which one of them is exaggerating more, but trying to collect from her sister is pretty whack.


BoingBoing is not a place where I would expect this to be objectionable. Maybe she makes a lot more than he does.


I get the feeling that you truly understand who I am.



I hope it goes to trial. If I sat on that jury I would recommend prison.

“They Live!” is a GREAT choice. If they don’t like it, you can immediately drop them like a rock =) .


That’s not really how small claims court works.


I’d say that that considerations of “difference of kind, not degree” make it look very bad for Romeo here.

I would be wildly unshocked to discover that logs do not corroborate the “only two or three times” claim; people are dreadful at self-reporting smartphone use; but it doesn’t take any exaggeration at all for deciding that vindictive litigation because you don’t like how a date went to be deeply, deeply, abnormal in a bad sort of way.

Without more data, it’s unclear whether it’s the “dude is weird, weird”, “dude is one hell of a self centered asshole”, or “somebody put the cadaver dogs on standby”; but there just aren’t a lot of positive interpretations to be had.


Is anyone objecting to it? The article appears to be about his attempt to get her to pay for his ticket.


That’s why I usually hear of it as “Dinner and a movie.” Dinner, so you can talk and get to know each other, and then a movie, to enjoyably pass the evening together,

Hopefully he has enough money to pay the court fees, so he doesn’t get his assets frozen.


Don’t judge me for paraphrasing from Aladdin.


But seriously; by escalating this situation to the point of litigation, the gentleman in question has demonstrated that he’s petty, vindictive and impractical as all hell, regardless that his date was rude.

I know if I were on Bumble in the state of TX, hearing about this story would make him an automatic ‘Swipe Left.’


Who’s judging? Aladdin is awesome!


My kid brother was obsessed with that movie when he was 10; for an entire summer he watched it and the lesser Return of Jafar back to back, nonstop; I can still quote the dialogue and song lyrics by heart to this very day…


My thought exactly, said the man who sat through a first movie of Xanadu. Who doesn’t let her pick the movie! Second movie was no nukes, so I had some say on that one. Married 32 years.


Austin has not been officially weird for years. Now, it’s just vain and petty.


Unfortunately, suing them means that you will have to interact with them again. And vice versa.

Devil’s advocate: why is it bad form form to work within the law to punish someone who thinks they can violate social norms as long as they make sure they never do anything too extreme?

For example, if I drive 6mph over the speed limit, but if I do it repeatedly a police officer will fine me more extensively, revoke my liscence etc. There’s no similar escalation of punishment for anti-social behavior that isn’t illegal - in fact, escalation (violence) is harshly punished.

That all being said, feeling entitled to anything on a date is a huge red flag and she dodged a bullet… he’s probably the type who would have been irritated if she’d refrained from texting but not chosen to sleep with him that night.

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Plus a lot of museums are free, no creepy guys can’t feel entitled to sex because they shelled out 20 bucks.