Originally published at: California man sues psychic for failing to remove curse placed by ex-girlfriend | Boing Boing
It sounds silly from the headline, but it’s really a case of fraud and perhaps extortion. The plaintiff is a moron, but the defendant is a woo peddler who was offering more than just the entertainment value which will form the basis of her defense.
I’m shaking my chicken bones bag for all of them, possibly the real curse here is yet to be seen.
Oh man, Judge Judy is gonna have a field day with this one!
I am getting into the curse business. $1000 to establish and $5000 to remove.
Indeed, she was taking advantage of his credulity to swindle him and worsen his family’s situation, selling him snake oil when he and his wife may need competent counseling.
I don’t have a ton of sympathy when charlatans like Gwyneth Paltrow fleece other rich people (though the erosion of trust in science is a real societal problem as climate deniers, anti-vaxxers and covidiots demonstrate), but I’m guessing by the “down payment” this guy’s family isn’t quite so flush. I feel especially bad for his children.
It’s a mystery how psychic storefronts persist, indeed thrive, and aren’t run out of business by state authorities. There are so many of them, in very expensive areas. Or is there a Big Psychic lobby I’m unaware of?
Yeah and people in emotionally charged situations are more vulnerable to cons too. It’s easy to laugh at people who get scammed but the scammers are still assholes.
Caveat emptor
Of course the cure didn’t work, the mala suerte was a pre-existing condition.
I remember a TV psychic that was basically giving good advices to people, cold reading them and giving common sense answers. The grumpiness factor made an entertaining show in this local TV.
Maybe a psychic cost less than a psychoanalytical session.
The authorities try, but the psychics always see it coming.
Because they’ve got people on the inside.
But how does he prove the curse was not lifted? Is there a “curse-o-meter?” Maybe the curse was lifted, but the the curser was alerted by the “ding” that means “the curse you placed has been lifted” and promptly re-cursed him. When dealing with this sort of shit, the line from War Games always comes to mind.
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