Man who hatched more than 2 million frog eggs unleashes frog army

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What a fucking irresponsible knob. He gathered frogspawn from ponds, depriving the natural environment of a food source, and transported it all to his back yard where the frogs could all die for his own amusement? Most amphibian populations are already endangered.


Pardon me for my confusion.
Should they be allowed to be eaten, or should they be saved from predation?
When the human factor is removed I’m typically all in favour of “let Nature take it’s course”. My reading saw no mention of these frogs being endangered. Nor did it say the guy had any authority to interefere with wildlife. :man_shrugging:

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Being eaten is why frogs lay so many eggs. If only 1% survive thats still enough to keep the population going and still feeds the various birds and fish. Transplanting the spawn to another area will sharply reduce their chances of survival, and guarantees the fish and birds don’t get a meal.

Just about every amphibian species is endangered no matter where you are. Gathering frogspawn is banned in many areas. I doubt this dude didnt bother trying to figure out what species these were either. Certainly didn’t consider the effect of unleashing all these frogs in his neighborhood


In the neighborhood’s darkest hour, an unlikely hero arises!


Mystery solved: He was actually raising a duck army and needed to fill the pantry with nibbles. An army marches on it’s belly (and webbed feet).


What an irresponsible, idiotic a-whole.


Competition for this bellend

Even if one or both faked it.


I know some hatcheries sell frog spawn for stocking ponds and lakes (and pet suppliers, google sez), but I don’t see any indication anywhere that he did this. If he did just collect wild spawn it is an incredibly irresponsible and selfish act. I’m assuming he’s also endangered all the neighborhood pets and wildlife as well since predatory birds are now going to view this as a prime hunting ground.


In addition to being a bad idea, this might also be illegal, depending on jurisdiction:

One alternative to purchasing tadpoles online is to collect some of your own. Legally, you are allowed to collect and possess 25 tadpoles of any one species at one time. Look for tadpoles in a local stormwater management pond or other small waterbody. Be sure to note where you found the tadpoles, so you can release them back to the same site once they have metamorphosed.



I get the sense that’s a fake content-scraping channel given the dubious dates of the videos and text-to-speech broken english.


There is very little that will make me turn a video off quicker than AI voice. So I didn’t watch the video, but hatching millions of frog eggs at once in a residential neighborhood seems…ill-advised.

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