Managing carpal tunnel syndrome at 46

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Warm oregano oil compresses, bowl of water with half full dropper of oregano oil 4 water to 1 oregano oil ratio. Microwave a the towel dampened with the solution and place loosely around the afflicted area, please test towel / cloth for heat before placing on skin. I do this every few days not only for my hands but for my aching feet too.


Gf suffers from carpal tunnel and she’s been looking for a good wrist brace. Also had no idea aloe vera could help but i’m skeptical about this info…

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Could help. Works for me, may not work for others. As it worked for my father’s back, I figured our systems might be similar enough for it to help me.


About a decade ago, I had carpal tunnel for about a year. You’re right - the wrist braces really help!

One day, I happened on an article that claimed that CT is a function of general stress. Long story short, I found positive ways to manage the stress out of my mind and the CT went away a few weeks later. I continue to use an ergonomic typing setup, and the CT still flares up faintly once or twice a year, but it’s 99% better than it was.

Maybe it’s all placebos. YMMV, but I hope something gives you relief.


Does it smell like spaghetti sauce?


JUst get the surgery. I had it in both wrists and the relief was INSTANT! Stop fucking around with silly ass shit and go to a doctor and have it fixed.


Some people can’t afford surgery mate.


This exercise absolutely saved me from never climbing again and probably a life of pain from the computer and guitar. Definitely worth a try if you have problems with carpal tunnel.


I blew out my wrist 30 years ago doing a bullshit repetitive live show (puppeteering) and it’s never been as good since but I got back in the game by just forcing myself through whatever needed to be done. I’m sure it’ll come back to haunt me but it’s gonna have to stand in line behind the litany of other damages (self-inflicted & otherwise) that have first dibs on dragging this sorry ass off this mortal coil.

Also - weed really helps.


I recommend one of these when on the computer. I used to have occasional pain when using a mouse for long periods, but have never had any with a trackpad. It’s also very easy to learn to use with your off hand, so you can switch over to give your dominant hand a rest from time to time.


I fixed mine by switching to a rollermouse.

You can find better tasting aloe vera juice (sweetened though) at asian markets or co-ops. Another anti inflammatory is turmeric. I take Zyflamend.


I suffered with this for nearly three years back in the early 90’s. While discussing the matter with a store clerk, he recommended Vitamin B6, which he said he’d been taking for years for a similar condition. I was skeptical for a long time but finally broke down and bought a small bottle of the stuff on sale at a local pharmacy. After a week of taking it every day, the pain subsided and I no longer awoke each morning with ‘the claws.’ I had complete freedom of movement in both hands.
I’ve since made it a part of my daily vitamin regimen (100mg tablets), and recommend it to everyone complaining of similar problems.


I actually love wearing my wrist braces–they’re like hugs for my hands. The only downside is the ones I have make holding a pen to write by hand feel clumsy, but that’s not something that causes me pain so I just take them off if I’m going to spend time taking notes.

I’m lucky that my carpal tunnel still only manifests as a tingling sensation in the tips of my fingers rather than real pain and I don’t think I’ve lost any range of motion, but I’m looking at a minimum 35 more years in the computer-driven workforce and would prefer to avoid surgery. I’ve been spending a lot of time on my phone lately and I think that’s been making things worse… I should probably cut that out and sleep in the braces for a bit to see if things improve.


I hate those braces. But, as people are saying, they REALLY HELP! I have to wear any of a half-dozen braces a few times a year, whenever I do too much repetitive movement or I try to pick up something that’s too heavy for me now.

CBD oil helps bring pain levels down a step or two. (Looking forward to September when I can walk to a dispensary and get exactly the formulations I need, not just a low-power version of it.)


If it’s does, I’ve been doing spaghetti sauce wrong for sometime now.


If you can afford the surgery, I’d get it. My carpal tunnel presented as numbness in both hands, with some relatively minor tendon pain. I had the right hand done in 2009 and it made an immediate difference. I still use an ergonomic setup (Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic keyboard and mouse – the mouse is as big a baseball and super-comfortable to use) to prevent general tendon pain.

I haven’t had surgery on the left hand yet, as the occasional numbness hasn’t been much of an issue. But it seems to occurring more frequently, so I may need it in the next few years (I’m 62, by the way, and it’s been nearly ten years since my surgery).


I’ve had good luck with a Pil-O-Splint ( at night. No numbness or “crab claw” hands in the morning, and the affect lasts into the day.

I didn’t see in the article if you are using anti-vibe gloves while riding, but you might try them. The most vulnerable part of the tendon channel is the very center of the base of your palm. If you wear a gel-based anti-vibe glove with the pad there, it will have a noticeable affect.

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I’ve had success managing the pain of incipient carpal tunnel (and a blown-out knee from a 2006 motorcycle accident) by drinking Concord grape juice (100% juice, not the sweetened stuff) mixed with Certo liquid pectin.

The pectin is available at most large grocery chains; I mix one pouch into 48 ounces of juice, and drink a glass twice a day. Warning: it will turn your poop green, but there appear to be no other side effects.

Buyer beware: the Welch’s brand concentrate is now made from a blend of Concord and other grapes. The Costco and Kedem brands are still the real deal.