Originally published at: Marijuana smuggled as record albums | Boing Boing
That’s just a hemp pizza. I bet the Russians could make a disc that plays…
Sure! Psychedelic music…
“350 lbs of high quality Jamaican marijuana.”
Hahaha. No, it most certainly was not. That’s the trash they sell to kids in junior high.
So is this using the same process used to make a truck in Cheech & Chong’s Up in Smoke?
Crushing weed like that is just wrong…
Hash on the other hand… just fine.
came for a comment like this, leaving bleary eyed and craving tacos.
“Hey, this record isn’t tracking right!”
American Bandstand: “It has a good beat and I can smoke it!”
Just about everyone I know who’s worked in used record stories has encountered weed hidden
You could easily shorten that sentence to make it more true.
Heck, you can still trim my quote above to make it even moreso.
In college in the 1990s a friend of a friend went to Jamaica with oversized shoes and compressed a bunch of ganja to fit into the soles. My friend ended up with an 1/8th that was about the size of a quarter dollar. Compressed like that it was more like hashish than ganja, but it still produced the desired effect: Jah provides.
Old friend who used to work at a big used record shop in Boston told me in the 90’s he could pretty reliably get a small pile of weed (ancient stale weed) whenever some businessman came in on his lunch break to dump his old record collection. “Open the gatefolds slowly.”
There is also a story of the hip hop group People Under The Stairs taking a trip to South America to hunt for rare vinyl, and customs in LAX snapped all the LPs in two thinking they were really just cocaine pressed into LP shapes. “Who buys records anymore?”
So the original “burning a disc”?
Another way CD-R was not as good…
I have the Cheech & Chong Big Bambu vinyl album- with the original giant rolling paper.
When I’m on my deathbed, I’m going to use half, and have the other half passed around at my funeral.
Because fuck it, why not.
Btw, the comedy albums weren’t as funny as I thought theyd be, the humor’s a bit weak.
Yeah, I made my wife listen to “Los Cochinos” with me a little while back: the humor didn’t age well (particularly the homophobia on one of the tracks) and I think the experienced lowered her opinion of me slightly. I still laugh at “Basketball Jones,” though.
Yeah, I have that one too, that was my impression, that a lot of the humor didn’t age well.
I still love them, but more the movies and concept of them.
It would have been pretty awesome if it played.