Marvel Comics in the 1970s is a new book about a wild and trippy creative era

Originally published at: Marvel Comics in the 1970s is a new book about a wild and trippy creative era | Boing Boing

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Bronze-age baby here. I grew up with this era of comics mixed in with reprints from the late 60’s and Kirby’s return to Marvel and it was an awesome mish-mash of anything goes, criss-crossed mind blowing universe that left a Hulk sized impression on my tiny brain. Hell, my mom bought me the Conan treasury edition of Red Nails and I was, like, 4 or 5.

The era was a fun playground built upon the strongest of foundations and pushing those boundaries further. Definitely will look into this book.


Yeah, I’m right there with you. I remember the 70’s as being some of Marvel’s most creative and I’d be interested to learn more about the period and what made it so. Gonna have to check this book out.


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