Marvel's Children of the Vault is a post-human cyber thriller from the writer of 20th Century Men

Originally published at: Marvel's Children of the Vault is a post-human cyber thriller from the writer of 20th Century Men | Boing Boing


You sold me on this. I can’t wait to check it out!


Sounds like a good title. I’m kinda interested what the outcome is, I mean, shouldn’t the Children be able to beat anything tossed at them? The X-Men recently beat them using a lot of trickery and comic-book luck.

Mostly I hope the writers have figured out an end to the story. The current X-men storyline is obviously being written as they go. Months ago they teased Onslaught as being an upcoming villian that only Nightcrawler was able to see. That disappeared. Then a human organization Orchis and some old ladies who loved plants almost beat them and they disappeared in an issue. Then we had Sinister go, in 1 issue, from being a decades old clone master to being one of 4 clones, one of whom is both female AND magic. And then he took over the world in some really strangely written book. Then that was wiped away. Then the female magic clone suddenly popped in and was OBVIOUSLY BAD but of course the characters ignore the flashing neon sign and t-shirt that says “I plan to take over the world” and now she appears to be sidelined again and for some reason a mutant that was listed as uber important to daily life in the beginning and never talked about again now says “it’s time for fall” and it ends?

The entire titles recently sound a lot of like something you’d hear from a kid while they play with their action figures.


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