Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/14/mary-jesus-and-cookie-monster.html
♬ Hail Mother Mary, choc’late chip
O mah pizelle! ♫
Tis the higher power of the cookie manifested
C is for Christ.
Blessed be Her om-nom-Name.
Cookie Monster and the Holy Spirit. Is there a difference?
I suppose you could make a joke about communion “cookies” but that looks like an Eastern Orthodox icon, and they don’t do the wafer thing in the eastern churches.
Cookie Monster; a sevear case of om-nom-nominative determinism.
Heretics! That is clearly the Flying Spaghetti Monster, laying his holy noodley gonopod appendage on the Holy Virgin
Something weird going on with that baby’s arms and hands, and the feet way down at the bottom.
I think there may be two kids in that trenchcoat.
The Monster abides.
I, for one, welcome our crumb-based overlord!
Great Flying Spaghetti Cookie Monster?
(I can see that it is lasagna. work with me here)