(Swiped from @anon27554371 in the Ongoing coronavirus happenings thread.)
3D printer instructions:
Surgical mask strap (updated 11/04/2020) Stack version added by marslam
Finally, after wading through options, this site seems most helpful based on the removable filter layer (which must be thrown away, though one can wash and dry and iron the mask itself):
HKMask Manual 說明書
( Unofficial 非官方 )
Reusable DIY Cloth Mask with Disposable Middle Layer Filter
Cloth Mask + Kitchen Towel Paper = N70
The instructions for making the equivalent of N95 involve getting the filter media for an HVAC (central heating/air-conditioning) unit, and then cutting and using that as the insert [again, to be thrown away, there is no acceptable way to decontaminate/sterilize that media, per this site].
A friend of mine has been making these.
Got to see a lots of mask patterns and I will try to make a cloth mask
The Marines and Air Force have warned do-it-yourself mask makers to avoid using military uniforms treated with insect repellent or fire retardant due to possible health risks.
While not all uniforms are pretreated with permethrin, those that have been can be identified by a tag inside the garment that identifies it as insect-repellent apparel.
ETA (because of no-more-than-two-posts-in-a-row rule) 2020-04-18
Plus some good stuff in the comments.
Things I have learned:
You can fiddle with your mask when you put it on, provided it’s clean and you’ve washed your hands, first.
It should be designed so you can remove it without touching the mask part. Wash your hands afterwards.
Nose-pieces should be bent to fit horizontally (out towards the eye socket bones) not vertically (down besidw the nose) for both comfort and better fit/seal. You want air to go through the fabric, not out and up the top.
It should come around under your chin for the same reason as 3. Nor should it just hang loosely there.
It should be changed out every couple of hours, if possible.
Wash with soap for at least 30 seconds after use. If you cannot use a washing machine, handwashing with appropriate detergent will work. Wash your hands afterwards.
PPE is a last line of defense. One should still practice social distancing whenever possible, wash hands frequently for at least 30 seconds, ensuring all surfaces have been soaped, and don’t touch your face. And remember: my mask protects you, your mask protects me. Be kind to people wearing masks, they’re thinking about your welfare. The least you can do is do the same.
(Oh, and along the lines of 7… if you’re wearing the ssme gloves for every task, you might as well not bother. Because gloves will transfer germs just as well as your hands. Just wash your damn hands).
Dare I say I whinnied with laughter?
Context for the unfamiliar.
Has link to instructions.
These instructions seem fairly straightforward:
Available in various languages (judging by the English translation, they vary a bit) here:
Made my own:
In addition to the duct tape I used a Sugru-like plastic adhesive. The lighter’s side is rounded, the screwdriver is round, the adhesive fills out the gaps on both sides.
The Quarians has the right idea. (Oh how I miss Mass Effect. It was such a good series.)
That music sounds like an astronomy show on 1980’s PBS.
Hm. I’ve got a roll of shop towels.
But what about breathing the nanofibers?
I am so fortunate that a former Happy Mutant whom I have met IRL and who is a formidable maker in multiple artistic crafts decided to mail me a beautiful mask. She really is so talented, and generous:
Yes, that’s right: there’s a different and equally lovely lining material. Not something anyone else will ever see, but I know it’s there.