Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/13/masque-of-the-red-and-blue-death-congress-to-host-ballroom-dinners-for-incoming-legislators.html
god this pisses me off. Can the political elite please act like we’ve got a public health problem here and stay the fuck away from each other?
What I don’t get is how they would even want to attend this. You could not pay me to eat indoors in a group right now.
Ok, name a dollar amount and let me think about it, but just don’t expect a yes.
seriously, how did this even get the green light? setting aside the completely legitimate virus and super-spreader concerns, did NOBODY give any thought to the basic optics? jesus fracking christ.
Rules are for the little people don’t you know?
But with the average age of congresscritters, you think they’d consciously try to avoid this sort of potential exposure.
Well, in general I’m in favor of getting rid of political incumbents to make room for progress and better ideas, but I didn’t expect them to get together and play COVID roulette.
I have this weird niggling feeling that a ruling class whose privilege is so great that their exposure to public health problems is effectively discretionary; and whose hubris is so great that they end up getting a fair bit of it anyway might not be a good sign.
The Purge: Covid Elite!
It’s been 4 years, watch as rich old people go to unnecessary events mask-less to make way for the the new batch.
Double feature:
Logan’s Run: For Re-Election
Nail biting, fist pumping, adrenaline thrill fest. WATCH: as the votes are counted.
Wonder what this cost, in dollars.
Thanks to an earlier reference on BoingBoing, I recently read Masque of the Red Death (well, I listened to an audiobook version from Librivox). Can recommend!
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