Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/26/master-bedroom-and-maste.html
I have a Master’s degree. What do I do now?
Keep applying for jobs. /s
Thanks guys, you’ve solved racism.
Racism is solved everyone, you can go home now!
While I can, to at least some extent, understand renaming “primary” as opposed to “master” for bedrooms and bath, the removal of “Master” from Master Sommeliers makes no sense as the context is wholly different - mastering a skill has nothing to do with racism?
Yeah, this seems… unthinkingly reactionary. In computing, some instances of master have to go because it’s paired with slave to actually distinguish a controller from a dependent, like with IDE drives. On the other hand, you wouldn’t rename the Master File Table; it’s the master because it’s the primary authority, not because it’s the primary controller.
Also, will no one think of the Jedi Masters of old?
“Business bedroom” because that is where “business time” happens.
Almost every Wednesday night.
I guess it shows a very positive willingness to look under every rock to root out racism, but maybe start with a book and learn how institutional racism actually works?
Someone wants to die on this hill…sure. I just, whatever.
@anon55735979 I just read an article on this topic and it was pushed it needs to change based on the term being misogynistic. I totally get it can be both that and racist. I guess progress?
Yeah, I can see that. And it’s not like it’s a critical term that will be missed. And people can do two things at once. It just seems like the kind of solution the McConnell senate would dream up. But whatever, kick all the doors in! There are enough demons to go around.
what about masterbating?
Primary? Why not “main” and save a few letters. Main bedroom. Done.
And what’s with “bathroom” anyway? Many of them don’t have baths, some don’t even have showers.
I dunno… seems like window dressing. A nice but ultimately meaningless gesture. … unless I have been just unaware this descriptive language has been pissing people off for awhile and I am just woefully ignorant to the impact.
They are thinking about it wrong. Its not the Master of the other occupants of the home - that would yield Master’s Bedroom - not Master Bedroom.
The term Master Bedroom refers to the Master of the other bedrooms.
You’ll have to crank it in the primary bathroom from now on I’m afraid.
I dunno, because in housing, the word “main” already relates to water, gas, electricity, or sewage… Not that people would actually confuse a bedroom with a water main, of course! But just that in scanning text it might not be efficient to commonly use the same word for two different things?
I kinda get it. After all, in other languages it’s known as the parent’s bedroom. And though there are other meanings for master in the sense of master craftsman, this isn’t the case. Definitely from lord and master, and religious types shy away from lord, so begone with the term.
The current moment is pretty wild. Just a few months ago, there wasn’t even a whole lot of mainstream sympathy for the BLM movement, and suddenly we’re finally, after decades of demands that were ignored, taking down statues of slavers and Confederate flags, being willing to look at systemic racism in policing and medicine, etc., rejecting racist depictions in media, and attempting to be sensitive to racist language… to the point of looking at the use of the word “master”… in Texas, no less.