Matt Berry's cover of the Rainbow theme tune

Originally published at: Matt Berry's cover of the Rainbow theme tune | Boing Boing


I don’t want to open a box of worms or let the cat out of the tin and I may be drawing a long shadow by suggesting that there may be some copyright infringement happening here.

In particular the flute melody is very similar in this BBC educational series:


I warmed to that rendition by the end. Lots of twiddly bits, as they are called in Musicology.


Interestingly the ‘twiddle’ is the name used at the time for the tuning pegs on a violin and a bazuki.

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I was aware of this at the time because a friend was going on about it, and tbh it kind of slipped my mind because I find that particular friend a bit annoying.

But I guess I hadn’t seen the cover art, because that alone makes this an automatic buy on vinyl (indeed, that is what umma do as soon as my posting work is finished here)

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Matt Berry was a composer on that show. Plus it was a BBC production, and the BBC would also own most if not all of the theme songs on Berry’s album.

Both Berry and Serafinowicz frequently draw on the same era of British public TV.

Yeah, I forgot the /s or is it /i for ironic :grinning:

I like Matt Berry, but probably don’t know many if any of the songs he covers.

I think What We Do in the Shadows returns September.

ETA - Listened to the Doctor Who one. It was done straight and a good cover. Best remix of it since the Timelords/KLF.


Matt Berry has quite the extensive discog, certainly pre-dating his TV and film careers.


Don’t know the song, but i love the cover with the over-shadowed Tom Baker looking very 70s-unintentionally-evil

Sometimes I wonder if Matt Berry is his own Jackie Daytona.


his website certainly is his own worst enemy (it’s a non-functional, non-stop 404-a-palooza)

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About a third of them are from the rival ITV network including Rainbow, World In Action, and the LWT and Thames ident themes.

I say network, but I’m guessing there’s a strong London bias because of Thames and LWT. I grew up in the Border Television franchise area and we didn’t have an ident theme, probably because they had to cover three countries (far Northern England, Southern Scotland, and the Isle of Man) and had close to no money to do it with.


I figured I’d at least post a picture of Rainbow for those who weren’t fortunate enough to watch it at the time, but I’ve just realised that a lot of people are going to think it wasn’t real, and it’s just a spoof in the vein of Skarfolk:

Looking at that picture now, it’s amazing my generation survived to adulthood without serious mental trauma, but yes, that really was a children’s TV show.


Well if you’re going to post raver remixes of British kids stuff, I have to post the classic Charly by Prodigy.

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