Matt Gaetz: Trump should pardon Michael Flynn, and himself

Exactly, and at last count there are at least 67 indictments against donny smallhands and his corrupt family that are going to be unsealed in NY state on January 21st,2021…and boy I can’t wait to see the MAGA cultists heads just explode when they realize those “pardons” don’t mean jackshit to NY!!!


This is just begging for a political cartoon in which Trump is pardoning a turkey with Flynn’s head.


If he really wanted to see the world burn (and who doesn’t?) he could pardon everybody for everything, and let the courts sort the mess out. He wouldn’t do that, because that is practically pardon socialism. But it would be an interesting thing to try on a timeline that we can collapse afterwards.

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Well, pardon me…


He should create Pardon dot com, a website where criminals could pay a fee for a pardon. I mean it’s all about money right?

Flynn’s pardon isn’t going to happen for free. Somebody’s getting paid.


This is one of those things that the judiciary hasn’t ever weighed in on (AFAIK, IANAL) so the truth is we don’t know. All we have is a bunch of legal scholars saying, “I guess you can do that? Nothing says you can’t?”. Trump has been pushing norms to the point where now we have all this stuff that we need to get tested in court and would probably end up in SCOTUS if it happened.

There’s also a lot of BS policy at play here too. The Justice Department has a “policy” that they won’t indict a sitting president no matter the crime, which literally makes him a person above the law. The entire foundation of this country is literally that nobody is above the law. No gods or kings in government was the whole point. I can’t even compute how that policy makes sense.


Trump should definitely try to pardon himself. Then we can use his own pardon as an admission of guilt and convict him in January.


See Ford’s Pardon of Nixon, which purports to pardon Nixon even for unspecified crimes he “may” have committed.

Now, THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.


Watching all this talk of Joe Biden trying to bring Americans together. . .

You can’t bring people together who think everyone to the left of them is “radical” and it’s OK to commit crimes because these “radicals” are committing crimes too (despite any evidence.) Not only do conservatives hate everyone on the left, they hate a lot of people within their own party now too.

The only thing that can possibly heal the US is if the less unhinged Republicans like Romney split off and form their own party. If enough of them did that it would emasculate both halves of the party, at least initially, and cause conservatives to choose between quasi-reality and outright-nutbaggery.

But I don’t see that happening, instead I see those mostly rational Republicans retiring or getting pushed out and the vindictive argumentative people like Gaetz taking over.


This is what I think about everytime a cop misunderstands the actual law on the books. When cops are allowed to enforce imaginary laws, no rule of law is possible.


Well, let’s see just how long the Florida governor drags his feet to fulfill the extradition request from Florida to NY… one year, two years, three years…


But I suspect Trump won’t resign - he wants to be president until the very last minute, to help him pretend that actually he’s still president after Jan 20th. (If he resigns, the jig is definitely up.) Also, he’s an idiot, so he’ll probably just pardon himself because no one will be able to explain to him that it won’t work.


New York can get Trump on state charges. But a big thing he was being investigated for by both NY and the Feds was his taxes, and all the obvious tax violations. And even if a pardon keeps him out of jail, it doesn’t exempt him from paying the taxes he owes, and once he’s not President any more, he can’t get away with the “You can’t audit me, I’m President and I order everybody in the IRS to leave me alone” tricks any more, and there’s so much grift in there.

And there’s the whole Trump Organization that he’d have to pardon for their crimes, and the kids, for being part of a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization, and anybody he does blanket-pardon can now sing without being subject to self-incrimination.

And then there’s everybody in the government who locked kids in cages, and made the decision to provide inadequate levels of medical care while violating all the laws about asylum. And there’s What Did Trump And Jared Know About Kashoggi’s murder by Saudi Prince Bone Saw? Even if he’s gotten Trump to pardon him for it, the public still needs to know he aided a murderer.


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