
Sadly, I think this sums up the habitual perspective on meat consumption held by many, perhaps most North Americans:


You beat me to it. I was so going to post that on my own my post!

Its funny cuz its true. :smile: I would actually like to know the animals I consume have decent lives.


I agree, but of course the trouble is, many think that makes you an easy target for ridicule.

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the average american eats roughly 125 pounds of meat each year. this average includes vegetarians as well as young children and infants so the adult average could well be 10 or even 15 pounds more. 60-70kg if you prefer. having been raised in the texas of the 60s and 70s i am accustomed to consuming and seeing consumed very large quantities of meat. i think of every barbecue i’ve ever tended, whether ribs or brisket, or grilling steaks or fajitas. well it is a remarkable culture.


I don’t want to get too self righteous… But me and my family already practice what we preach. Cheese is either rare french, small farm, or I make it myself from milk obtain on a farm with four cows (god I sound like portlandia).

Our eggs come from a friend named Charlotte.

Wheat comes from a farm 30 miles away. Dairy comes from a farm 25 miles away. Beef comes from Knee Deep. All scraps are composted or turned into stock.

I harvest wild mushrooms, make my own salt, grow my own tobacco.

Responsible meat eaters exist, and we are growing every day.

(The algae bloom in the Pacific has largely dissipated, so I need to get my ass over there to pick mussels)


Huh… I think I had assumed like 1/4lb a day, so… 90lbs a year.
I was off by 135 1/4lb burgers. :wink:

You and I must disagree on what makes someone an asshole. I don’t think a child enjoying a forbidden cookie or a teenager sneaking a drink is an asshole simply because they get a thrill of doing something they are told not to do. The thrill of the forbidden is kind of natural AFAIK.

I like the way Aaron James put it
“the asshole is the guy who systematically helps himself to special advantages in cooperative life, out an entrenched sense of entitlement that immunizes him against the complaints of other people.”

I’ve caught myself taking too many ketchup packages at a fast food joint. I’ve failed to correct my boss’ compliments when an employee under my direction did most of the work. Things like that make me an asshole. Those are the sorts things I regret and which force me to admit to being an asshole. Though I am trying to not do that sort of thing.

Yeah well, good for you, I say. Portlandia can be fun and effective at pointing out counterproductive excess, but I think it’s more nasty than fun and effective.

I have no problem with naming chickens. :smile:

Cool, but don’t forget (not that I think you have), veggies grow strong bodies too!

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I am gonna tell Charlotte to name one of her chickens Charlotte. And another one Keith. Or perhaps I will name the chickens, and not tell anyone.

Did I mention I need to go harvest veggies? I planted a heirloom tomato called Mortgage Lifter this year, and I think it was mislabeled. It doesn’t lift anything, it crushes everything >:)



that was a fecking brilliant commercial. so right and so wrong at the same time, while still keeping it light hearted and selling you something. the person who came up with the idea must have been Hiiiiigh… as a Kite…

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I thought I might have that cookbook, but no dice.

I have a collection of paperback (staple-bound) cookbooks from my Grandmother, published in 1940 by the “Culinary Arts Institute” with title like 250 Delectable Desserts, 500 Tasty Sandwiches, 2000 Useful Facts about Food, or 500 Delicious Dishes from Leftovers.

I’m going to have to scan/photo these covers…

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I have those! (And many many others…)

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Looks like the kept on republishing variations…

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I started with mid-century cookbooks, and moved on to depression & WWII rationing, from there to the 19th century (my oldest book is 1876), from there to the 17th century ( -Gutenberg has even older ones if you can handle the “English”- and now I’m onto the hyper regional fundraising books put out by local community groups etc, usually mimeographed or stapled with recipes like “Betty’s Buffet Meatballs; ingredients: ground meat, grape jelly, chilli sauce”. I have one Amish one that lists all the ladies names and addresses, I guess in case you want to drop them a line about how much you liked their creamscicle punch recipe?


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