Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/06/17/meatless-burgers-are-satans.html
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy comes to mind.
This is what happens when you give people who tweet word salad at random accounts on twitter a ‘news outlet’.
Ooh, “Luciferians”. I like that.
So, Lucifer equals veggie burgers plus Tom Ellis. I can cope.
Why? They want to change human DNA so that you can’t be born again. That’s where they’re going with this, to change the DNA of humans so it will be impossible for a human to be born again.
What? Umm… okay…
I love it when preachers talk about their invisible sky god and SCIENCE! as if the two have anything to do with each other.
I presume this fine gentleman does assert that God is omnipotent and can resurrect us from the dust into our incorruptible heavenly bodies.
So why would messing with our DNA be any problem?
Or is he some godless heretic?
[Looks him up] It would appear he is. At least these people appear to think so.
He’s apparently insufficiently anti-Catholic.
Alright, who thought it would be funny to throw golden tops on this guys mushroom and swiss? He’s having a hell of a bad trip.
The inverse is that their god requires animal sacrifice to be worshipped … and that is “miracle of the swine” fuckery.
part of a satanic plot to alter human DNA so that people can no longer worship God
Where do I sign up?
Burger King, it would seem. Weird, huh?
I’m having a meatless burger for lunch, and the extra chair at the table is for Lucifer, should he/she care to partake in the dark revelry.
56,000 Twitter Followers. woof. although Twitter stats are useless without a way to sort out the rubberneckers from the genuine…
“When you dine alone on meatless burgers tonight, you dine in hell!”
Some God if his grand plan for creation can be thwarted by a few puny human scientists.
Or doctors creating medicines and surgical procedures and treatments to prevent god from taking his chosen home when he decides…
I’m sure this preacher doesn’t take anything unnatural to keep him alive.
Luciferians! Love it!
Can he (using scientific means and methods) explain how eating “food” changes a human beings DNA?
This is Florida Man’s favourite channel.
This is some of the funniest lunacy I have ever seen or heard.
Is that like setting an extra place for Elijah?
You are what you eat … so your DNA must be made up by the DNA of what you eat… Things made by science uses evil DNA… Therefore food made by science makes your DNA evil…
That’s my best guess of his thought process. Sigh.