Meet the mother of the Canadian civil rights movement

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Glad she’s received the recognition; hopefully the US will really see Harriet Tubman on the $20.

And if you’re wondering about the larger historical picture:

I hope they teach some of the stuff in this book in schools now, because they didn’t when I was a kid; I almost drove off the road a couple of times listening to the audio:


Amazing in so many ways. The Bank of Canada site for the new $10 bill explains all the symbolism. It also has a fun easter egg; if you click repeatedly on “spin” it opens a space invaders style game.

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Good catch. That, of course, should be “post-humourous”. Humour was banned in Canada by the Harper government in 2008.

Posthumourous, alt. American English spelling posthumorous : adjective. Describing something which becomes funny with the death of the originator, or describing something funny, which is only found or understood after the death of the originator. For example, the book titled ‘The Complete Book of Running’, which emphasised the health benefits of jogging, was only imbued with a sense of irony after the author Jim Fixx died of a heart attack at the age of 52, while jogging.

This novel touches on many of the same historical events.

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