Meet the new MAD Magazine Fold-in artist, Johnny Sampson

Originally published at: Meet the new MAD Magazine Fold-in artist, Johnny Sampson | Boing Boing


My grade school art teacher, a professional dioramas’ist retired from the museums in New York had us do small, medium, and extra large projects, usually history/nature in scope. They would then be placed around the interior of the school for folks to soak up/ view. That started me on a road of amateur carpentry for life. What a great gal she was, Mrs. Bridger thank you so very much!


In case anyone was wondering.


What a lucky guy. I’m glad the fold-in still lives even though MAD is on life support.


I still have a subscription, and the couple pages of new material combined with reprints of classic jack davis comics etc almost make it worth it, but dang it really is sad. I really hope they can find a way to revive it. The new Warner/turner/HBO conglomerate company must have a ton of money and they could make it happened if they wanted to, but maybe they are putting all their focus on streaming TV now. I hope someone there sees the value in making it happen again…

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