Meet the "werewolf mouse" who hunts scorpions and deadly centipedes and howls at the moon

I’m starting to think of that region as the Australia of the U.S., because if the heat or lightning don’t kill you, the wildlife might finish the job.


Video needs a voiceover by the honey badger guy.

Speaking as an ex professional rodent wrangler:

  1. A determined rat can put its teeth all the way through your finger/ear/nose/etc.

  2. Lab rats are mostly sweet-tempered critters. Mice, OTOH, are vicious bastards.


Yeah, I had a pet hamster as a kid and I couldn’t pick it up without it biting me. They sure weren’t “pinpricks” and it wasn’t even trying too hard - you’d notice those kinds of bites even if you were asleep, as they drew some serious blood.

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Business opportunity: all-natural piercings. :smiley:

My sister and I had gerbils when we were kids, and while they were usually even-tempered, they would let you know if you did something they didn’t like.


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