Megalopolis trailer withdrawn due to fabricated movie critic quotes

Furthermore, do not taunt the Online Services.



Not from this. From the prior trailers, promotions and Coppola’s own press.

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Increasing number of David Graeber-spec bullshit jobs + dumpster fire that is AI hallucination = this won’t be the last instance of this kind of story.

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I barely used a T-square and that was over 50 years ago. So unless this movie takes place in the past…

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I’ve just had to deal with a case where one of my, ahem, learned colleagues sent a bunch of personal information and finance gubbins to a random furniture co. because the Google AI had decided their email address belonged to one of the UK’s major pension providers. :roll_eyes:


The movie isn’t set in our future, or in our past. It’s set in a different reality than our own just like Star Wars or Brazil or Fallout or any number of other films that use anachronistic depictions of technology.


I really enjoyed that. Looking forward to seeing parts 2 and 3.

Now all I want to see this movie for is to see how the T-square is used.

They aren’t that antiquated. I still have a couple of them hanging up in my office with my other drafting supplies.


I didn’t know there was a number 3. Thanks.

His film, It’s Such a Beautiful Day is great too.

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If the trailer is any indication, the T-square is used as a light saber.


Mine is hanging on the wall, but just for decoration.

I can’t get my head around the amount of time, and people, involved to make that section of the trailer, intended to go before the eyes of millions of people, all resting on someone googling some quotes that they never double checked were true!
I’m a master at half-arsing things, but I think I’d still have at least tried googling those specific quotes to check they exist.

Trailer looked interesting, good cast. I’d call it more art-house-y rather than scifi tho


T-squares are great for office-chair polo.


Is that Lawrence Fishburne narrating the trailer or a deepfake?

Guy responsible fired.


People who were supposed to be checking this sort of thing before release not fired.

Ablative consultants.


If only all those lawyers who got caught submitting AI-generated legal briefs with made-up case law lost their jobs as well.

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Why else can they ask for the big bucks?

Who would that be? Lots of industries those people were fired long ago.

I wouldn’t expect management of a business to check quotes and sources in general. You get to the top being “results driven” in your use of sources. Not on scholarship.