Members to regulars?

I’d say that if we want Regular to actually mean ‘regular’, rather than say, ‘addict’, then the requirements should probably be more like, logged in >40 of the last 100 days, read >15% of articles and posts.


But WHAT kool-aide? That Apple is evil and anyone that supports them is a shitlord? Or that all the writers here have them along with 70% of the readers and the barrage of positive posts about Apple? Or that gamergate is horrible. Except the 50% of the people that think it was about ethics, not misogyny. Or the people that think politically correct overload is too much and white people should be able to use the n-word because we are post-racial? Counterbalanced by the other half that have to put up trigger warnings on anything that may be offensive to 0.0001% of the population???

I disagree with BB about half the posts that are posted, and its one of the reasons I’m here, but it seems like there is no middle ground in a lot of the posts as well. I’d LOVE to drink the koolaide but sometimes I jump in a post and then spend the next thirty minutes wondering which side is going to misinterpret it, so I delete the post before I ever click REPLY. And I think its damn funny most of the time reading through the comments a few hours later and realize I might have been right!

So I’d like the drink the koolaide, but I never know who’s serving it today! Its impossible not to get flagged if you aren’t in the cliche no matter how much you are drinking!


Y’all are making me wonder how prevalent flagging is, actually. Do we know if we’ve been flagged?


Actually, apparently we do not flag enough.


A sphere has an infinite number of sides.

You had Apple/GamerGate/Nword?

I had Trump/CopShoots/FloridaMan.

HAND??? cruel insensitive human joke…exterminate!

(and i guess “technically” dalek are cyborg? or is it just an organism with the worst designed exo-armor ever? any whovians care to chime in and derail this thread? ;-P)


Regulars can hide a post on the first flag. Because we’re awesome like that.


I don’t think I’ve been flagged at all. At least, I’ve never been told so. But Falcor has come along and swallowed a few of my comments. Mostly ones that I shat-posted while too drunk for decorum, and I’m glad our Don’t-Push-Your-Luck Dragon cleaned up my diarrhea of the mouth (hands?)

In anycase, I avoid flagging unless it’s something that’s blatantly trolling without any merit, or if it’s spam. I’ve only flagged maybe 3 times. But apparently CodingHorror wants us flagging everything that “doesn’t fit the community”, but seeing as we mostly have a pretty progressive bent, and are mostly (at least in principle) tolerant of stuff we just don’t feel right about flagging posts that aren’t obviously trying to get someone killed.


Did you hear the one about spherical assholes? They look like an asshole from every direction.


Isn’t the armor their lifesupport? That would count in my book as cyberization, since they need the armor to survive.

They’re classified as a Cyborg biological type on the DW wiki.

Not a whovian, just generally familiarized with the lore. Much like how I’ve never read any HP Lovecraft but am definitely voting Cthulu/Dagon if Sanders doesn’t win the nomination. Why settle for a lesser evil?


ah…now i understand the meaning of regular. i need to add more fiber to my posts. :slight_smile:


@Falcor PM’d me once quite some time ago, it was likely because someone flagged one of my comments.
And a couple of times after flagging I’ve gotten a response as to the action the admin took. So I’m pretty sure you would know if you’ve been flagged. Or at least if the flag was enforced.


Cthulu/Dagon vs Trump/Palin…hmmm I’m not sure I agree about which one is the lesser evil… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ummm, last I checked I was a regular and I’m fairly certain that not all of my flags automatically hide posts. I think a regular can hide a spam post with just one flag. Flagging for more ideological reasons still requires more than one flag.

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Huh, I remember reading somewhere on the BBS that we could hide posts with just a single flag from a regular. I guess I’m misremembering, or it was just suggested or something.

ETA: From the Discourse FAQ

Users at trust level 3 can...
  • recategorize and rename topics
  • access a private “frequent flier’s lounge” category only visible to users at trust level 3 and higher
  • have all their links followed (we remove automatic nofollow)
  • spam flags cast on TL0 user posts immediately reach the action threshold
  • Daily like limit increased by 2 ×

So I misremembered. We have the ability to single-flag-hide spam. Which is really the limit of the powers I ought to have around here anyway.


General Casey: [talking on phone] Hello? This is General Casey. I get to meet the Martian Ambassador! Ain’t that great? Oh, it’s a hell of an honor. But didn’t I always tell you honey, if I just stayed in place and never spoke up, good things are bound to happen. Yeah… Ok
[makes kissing noises and ends the phone call]

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Bodhi par tzar funni!

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It’s just a common metaphor. Also a physicist said it, so it must be true XD

True that. We normally bash idiots with logic and facts quite effectively.