Men rush to get vasectomies after Supreme Court ends right to abortion



Pro-tip to those of you getting yours soon: the doctor will tell you “wait X weeks after before having sex.” Listen to your doctor. LISTEN TO THEM!


Man with 3 sons, not 2, because I am a dumbass who didn’t listen to his doctor

This court has really raised the bar on “most inept court.” They not only ignore “deeply rooted” facts, they ignore any legal precedence that might prove them wrong, such as in the concealed carry case. Thomas literally had to write that while Texas did have historic laws on the books that backed up New York’s case, they could be ignored. Just… ignored. Hand waving… “these are not the precedence you are looking for…”

In overturning Roe v. Wade, Alito reached back to a witch hunter and a man who said women are the property of their fathers and spouses and have no more rights. Pre-Constitutional law. Anti-rights law.

This may be the single worst session of SCOTUS of all time, excepting the Dredd Scott decision of course.


I have been screaming this since the Icelandic women did their thing, when I was 8 or 9!



In the UK you’ll often be asked for your partner to agree before you can get the snip. It’s not a legal requirement though.


The “history and tradition” formulation seems practically tailor-made to encourage nostalgia and appeals to mythic history that feels true; but, in general, my impression has been that the parts of opinions where justices wander off and attempt to argue from facts rather than specific citations are usually among the more painful ones to read.

The situation in Hudson v. Michigan, where Scalia managed to read a criminologist’s thesis that the exclusionary rule had acted as an impetus toward increased police professionalism by reducing the rewards of illegal conduct as evidence that the the exclusionary rule was no longer a big deal comes to mind; as does the abjectly nuts chunk of oral argument in United States v. Wurie; where Roberts and Scalia marvel at the concept of non-drug-dealers who carry more than one cellphone because apparently the people they know don’t do that (the fact that I was IT on call, and so carrying a work phone, at the time of reading that one probably didn’t help my blood pressure).

At least in initial court proceedings there are mechanisms for introducing evidence and expert witnesses, since it is understood that there are matters of fact that need to be established that probably require outside input; but you get a case to the supreme court and it’s under the (admittedly appealing) fiction that all the grubby matters of fact have been handled and its The Law time; so when questions of fact inevitably arise it’s literally just some guys who know enough about the subject to “Well, actually…” you at a party spitballing in an authoritative tone.


Happens in the US as well(more commonly to women seeking analogous procedures, unshockingly): unsystematic because it’s not based on any sort of legal or professional standard; but the further you are from matching the ideal of someone who already has a socially normative 2.5 children and has agreed with their spouse that that’s sufficient the greater the odds of encountering reluctance and/or refusal, a passionate interest in warning you about limited reversibility and the regret of unrealized bundles of joy; and inquiries about whether people whose opinions ought not to be relevant are in agreement.


Still trying to figure out if this is an Onion headline or legit. Seems like Onion, but lately that has usually meant legit. Lord, I hate this timeline.


Give them time…


It’s willfully ignoring the truth of history:

That Alito had to go back 300 years to find a misogynist jurist to support his legal theory tells us just how out of step it is with the “modern” world.


I think the decisions of this court should be printed in the books with a big asterisk next to them, indicating the court’s illegitimate provenance. Just like the baseball records set by the steroids shooters.

That way future (sane) courts can refer to these decisions and say “I know they successfully argued that women are reclassified as service animals, but see that asterisk? The majority of the justices were completely unqualified for their jobs. We’re ignoring that shit.”


It’s not just men rushing to get vasectomies. Women’s health clinics are seeing a large increase in tubal ligation requests.


The thing is, though, mandating prayer in school would probably push more kids away from religion faster than if there was no prayer. Nothing turns kids off from something than forced rote learning and being forced to recite back empty, meaningless (to them) passages.

I was forced to learn all the states and state capitals, all the presidents in order, and a ton of world
geography (countries, mountain ranges, rivers). I earned ‘A’s at the time, but couldn’t do it now. The knowledge didn’t stick because it had no meaning for me at the time. My own kids have to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, and it holds as much meaning for them as my Japanese swears do when I’m driving.

Sure, mandate prayer at school. Turn Christianity into a boring, meaningless thing kids have to do to graduate. That’ll fill the pews.


Young women have spoken of wanting to be sterilized, and doctors refusing them.

“What if you get married and your husband wants children?” was one of the most egregious questions they reported being asked.


“I suppose there’s always kidnapping.” /s

JFC what a stupid thing to say. Like that wouldn’t be a pretty important conversation before a marriage.

“Honey, I know we’ve been married 5 years, and been together 10. I just realized we never once talked about kids.”

Not everyone has a drunken impromptu Vegas wedding.

(Edit: my comment already assumes the sheer misogyny of such a comment.)


Yeah, that’s been going on forever. My daughter has never wanted and will never want kids, but she’s 35 and it’s hard to find anyone to do the procedures for her. My step-daughter, who is 27, suffers from bi-polar disorder, epilepsy, AND severe endometriosis, making pregnancy for her extremely unlikely and life threatening, but she had to fight for several years before finally convincing one to do the surgery. It’s fucking nuts that women can’t choose shit like this at all because of ingrained patriarchal views and a need to reduce them to breeding stock all the time.


I wish I could quit you, @beschizza


Another good response to that:

“You know what word does appear? Militia.”