Originally published at: Middle school girl hands out $10,000 in stolen cash to classmates | Boing Boing
Ehh, she certainly shouldn’t go to jail, but why therapy? Neither being a child nor being an asshole is a medical condition.
Marion County deputies responded to Lake Weir Middle School in Summerfield on Thursday after reports that a student was giving classmates hundreds of dollars each, according to an arrest report.
Steal money, give it to your friends.
Correction: Officials reported recovering about $3,200 total after collecting about $200 each from 34 students …
Middle school math don’t add up.
When I was young, my grandfather let me wear his robe to keep warm during a break from swimming at the local pool. I took a quarter from his pocket to help pay for a bag of combos to split with a friend at the concession stand, and I’ve felt guilty about it ever since.
Supposedly there are good therapists in Floridian Juvenile Detention facilities but I could be wrong.
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