Millennials… Boomers… WWE…
My spidey sense is tingling and telling me to not watch this video. Whatever it is, I don’t think it can be good.
Societal generations are as fake as professional wrestling, so seems appropriate.
Kenan is the best part… Oh, I’m Generation X… I just want to watch the world burn…
You’re not going to bait me into that debate again!
Nobody cares about genX. Let’s move on the GenZ kids are already meming at a very high level. I fear the millenials are losing the meme wars.
Did they ever? Except to try and convince us that punk and d&d were dangerous and satanic?
And to say that we were to blame for all the problems in the world, despite being ‘lazy slackers.’
Now all that is attributed to so-called Millennials, go figure.

Now all that is attributed to so-called Millennials, go figure.
You mean boomers are finally off the hook?
No, they’re still the worst most selfish generation ever.
*points finger
It’s all YOUR fault!
I’d actually love to see a squad of people who defy all the bullshit stereotypes;
Like a podcast or something, featuring a cool boomer, an X’er, and a MM’L with humor, wit, insight and no fucks whatsoever to give about conventional/establishment expectations.
That would be awesome…
Is there a finishing move where one shoves a Tide Pod down somebody’s throat?
Tidepod challenge is a genZ thing. Millenials pay their ridiculous healthcare premiums and realize their $4500 deductible means it’s only likely going to be worth it if they get cancer or get a compound fracture at least once a year.

I’d actually love to see a squad of people who defy all the bullshit stereotypes;
Like a podcast or something, featuring a cool boomer, an X’er, and a MM’L with humor, wit, insight and no fucks whatsoever to give about conventional/establishment expectations.
I’d say quite a lot of what goes on at BBS, or maybe I should say, a lot of the BBS commentariat qualifies.

I’d actually love to see a squad of people who defy all the bullshit stereotypes;
Like a podcast or something, featuring a cool boomer, an X’er, and a MM’L with humor, wit, insight and no fucks whatsoever to give about conventional/establishment expectations.
That would be awesome…
Don’t we already have that here?
(yada, yada)
You owe me a coke.

I’d say quite a lot of what goes on at BBS, or maybe I should say, a lot of the BBS commentariat qualifies.
Don’t we already have that here?
I meant on a larger, more focused platform with less ‘background noise.’
We’re not in the 80’s anymore…
House rules.
Is a New Coke sufficient?