Millionaire fined after using children's gravestones to build a patio

Yeah, that’s a whole lot of ugly. But I do like the bedroom. I’m a sucker for wood. I’d swap out the light fixture, the chairs, the off-scale picture in the corner, the sconce, the pillar - okay it all goes but the bed. And maybe the trunk. The guy needs a couch from Old Hickory Tannery. Something awesome like this:

or even, with a space so rustic, you could do something a little crazy like this:

I could tots have fun with this room. He needs to fire his decorator.

The kitchen needs to have a bonfire and start over.


Purple velvet?



An awesome room like that needs a sofa covered with saddle-leather.

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Too much? I think you can’t really go too much in a room like this. Therein was his original problem.

Except in this instance the Daily Mail’s coverage is much more extensive.

We aren’t (all) robots.

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