As he’s apparently no longer employed and is being accused of fraud by his customers- I guess his visa will be revoked.
If you offer the public something toxic, and huge swaths of the public get angry and protest that toxic product, then you’re not really a victim (except of your own toxicity). It’s like claiming tobacco companies are victims.
The guy is like Poe’s law come to life. Is he parody? Is he for real? I’m still not sure. If he’s a parody he dedicated it up to Mother Night levels.
It actually seems like an endemic condition of conservatism. We are MEN living in a NATURAL system of POWER and HIERARCHIES, the way GOD INTENDED (that is constantly and easily being dismantled by groups we deem inferior) so we have to BE STRONG.
Imagine the utter and complete lack of self-awareness it takes for Milo Yiannopolous to label other people “the needy, vacuous, desperate grifters of conservative media.” Staggering.
The fall of terrible people is fun to point at and laugh, sometimes.
I think it started out as an act, but as happens to a lot of folks, the persona became the person.
Sometimes we could just let the compost do its thing.
Natural grifters have it in their blood. He was born that way.
Politicon honestly sounds like the worst possible convention ever.
And yes, that’s taking into account both all of the boring trade conventions out there, which are weighted differently because they’re attended out of necessity rather than fun, and DashCon after someone peed in the ball pit.
Someone in the PolitiCon graphics department clearly had a sense that Milo was radioactive, because he was included on the playbill with only his first name, like Cher.
(dead center, third row from the bottom)
Baby Trump?
Jesus that’s like a peek into purgatory. I hope they have a squad of chiropractors on hand to deal with all the auto-fellatio injuries.
They’re holding open the option at any moment to swap him out with a can of Milo…
Are you sure that’s not the Assholes Convention poster?
Ass-Con. No, I wouldn’t go. Imagine the cosplay…
Good lord, that lineup. Who goes to these things? When did politics become like cochella?
Or maybe they didn’t know how to spell Yanninononolololopoopoolus, and weren’t getting paid enough to look it up.
And John Kerry? WTF?