I regularly call for bloc action in the bathroom.
This was the worst display of piling on I’ve seen in a long time. I chat online with people from both sides of the isle. Personally I lean left - usually because I see more intellect, honesty, and willingness to have rational discussion but this experience on BB has been a classic characterization what the right says the left is like. Instead of being able to ask questions about something I don’t know much about ( I didn’t follow gamergate and I don’t read the kind of things Yiannopoulos writes) instead of people honestly replying to me, I am painted as a horrible person for even asking questions. You treat people as pariahs for asking questions and wanting to have dialog.
Way to play to the stereotype folks.
Then when Trump makes insulting Trump illegal, it won’t be the speech that’s illegal, it’ll be the treason - no problem, right?
That game works with anything. You can pretend there is a category distinction, but you can’t deny that you can commit a crime merely by saying words and meaning what you say and your already government decides what form a string of words must take to be criminal. Speech and expression are restricted for considerably less serious matters than procuring an assassin (e.g. from harassment to copyright).
If free speech stops being free speech when speech does things then there’s a very good case to be made that it doesn’t exist at all.
You made a bad point, repeatedly insisting that what happened to the trans student was not “genuine harm” and that her fear was not “the fear you get when someone is actually trying to bring you harm.”
We’re not attacking you. We’re defending her.
If you interpret that defense as an attack on you, maybe you should take a look at what you’re saying and ask why we might perceive what you’re saying as an attack on her, and why you might perceive our defense of her as an attack on you.
Here’s a suggestion:
When you ask an honest question, and are told the answer by multiple people, don’t play the fake-ignorance game and pretend you were never given an answer.
And when presented with facts, don’t pretend those facts are false.
Multiple people tried to give you honest answers with links and stories to explain their position. You told them those answers meant nothing. That is not the way to foster dialogue. It’s the way to irritate and annoy people and make them assume you’re driving trollies for fun.
[quote=“Humbabella, post:233, topic:94219”][quote=“anotherone, post:226, topic:94219”]
Look, I hate the guy. I mean hate. But I have never heard him order anyone to do anything.
[/quote]He doesn’t have to order it directly. He has to persuade people to do it intentionally. If my dog attacked someone every time I said “Go!” then yelling “Go!” at my dog would be criminal assault even though I didn’t say, “Dog, please maul that person”. Milo’s got lots of dogs.
I find it very hard to believe that many people, including his supporters, actually doubt he intends for people to be threatened and harassed at his mention of them. I think a lot of his supporters are probably gleeful about it. But if you are looking for “proof” then you aren’t going to find it in a country where a videotape of a cop shooting a black man in the back isn’t even proof of an error in judgment.
[/quote][quote=“nemomen, post:289, topic:94219”][quote=“anotherone, post:287, topic:94219, full:true”]
So no one here has anything to show that this guy incited anyone to violence?
[/quote]If you’re really interested, spend a while looking into what his troll army has done. He’s not an idiot, he never openly incites direct violence, but instead feeds the worst instincts of his followers, targeting individual and whipping up a frenzy of hate against them (and fabricating “evidence” to tar them and bring even more hate) to bring a reign of terror on whoever he decides to hate. The goon squad chooses to SWAT people, stalk their homes, swarm them on social media, and harass/intimidate them in ways that sometimes involve violence. Coded orders to the alt-right brownshirts aren’t direct incitations to violence, so you’re technically correct, though you’re also totally missing the point.
[/quote][quote=“nungesser, post:290, topic:94219, full:true”]
When someone “outs” refugees and releases their personal information to his followers, do you think it’s so they can send them Christmas cards?
When someone posts photos on Facebook before public appearances of graffiti that reads “LIBERALS GET THE BULLET TOO”, is it because he’s a fan of public art?
Don’t be naive.
[/quote][quote=“enso, post:293, topic:94219”]
Outing a trans student by name at a university on stage during one of his appearances wasn’t enough?
[/quote][quote=“anotherone, post:292, topic:94219”]
These knee jerk and insulting reactions to an earnest question are disheartening since it’s the same kind of thing I’ve been making fun of when it comes from people on the right.
[/quote]Those damned jerks answering the same question multiple times in the thread!
Really? Is that really true: you don’t know what Gamergate is about at all?
You darned liberals and your subtle references!
not following all details and complete ignorance are imo different. I for one are aware of the outlines but couldn’t discuss gamergate in depth
When seen from another angle, the girl was wearing a “make bitcoin great again” hat. But she does appear to be a Trump supporter.
Way to play to the stereotype of ignorant tongue-clucker who doesn’t know what we’re talking about and doesn’t care either.
If you’re going to try to shame us at least have the basic decency to know who Milo is.
You have no clue and you don’t want to disabuse yourself to know, but you sure want to be better than us. And only by remaining unsullied by reality can you keep that up.
Bitcoiners and Trump voters aren’t so much an intersection as the same circle.
I knew that some game designer was being harassed online. That about it.
Yet never an answer to the question I kept asking. I was/am looking for specific and articulable information regarding his causing or directing harm on others which might justify violent protest. When someone presented information that lead towards that aim, I replied that it was good information or something I would internalize. But yes, I kept asking for specific and articulable information instead of the vague “whipping to frenzy” or “I find it hard to beleive” type of replies which while interesting don’t help as much. There were 2 people who posted 3 links to information. One was about his twitter account and the other two had some good stuff and I said as much.
That day I had spent the morning on image boards and the topic came up. Those on the right were adamant that no one has anything on Milo and the left was creating a false narrative. Since the topic came up on BB, I thought I’d ask the folk here if they has something specific I could point to. That’s when people decided to pile on and accuse me of being a Yinnapoulos supporter and the ad-hominem began in earnest because I kept asking for something specific which might justy violent protest.
Really? So if someone doesn’t know much about a person being protested and asks people what it was all about and what specific things they have done to cause the protest they are indecent for not already knowing?
Do you really expect people to believe you’re sincere here?
You want to smugly discredit everyone, but you can’t be arsed to google or listen.
You don’t know and you don’t care to, which is the problem here.
I know that I am. But hey, you beleive what you want.
I googled, I listened, I got very little specific information from both. That’s precisely why I asked here. I know that a few people here follow that story quite closely and thought perhaps I could find more information.
If you want people to treat you as if you are sincere and not just take your willful ignorance as driving trollies, what you “know” isn’t being externalized.
If you have an idea of mine you want to attack, go ahead. But the personal attacks are stale and pointless
Your willful ignorance has gone from awkward to irritating to inexcusable.
Either you’re driving trollies, you’re too lazy to read and comprehend what’s offered to you, or you’re illiterate. In any case I’m not interested in trying to cram thoughts into your ears.
It’s ok to say “I don’t know of any specific and articulable information regarding his causing or directing harm on others which might justify violent protest.” instead of insulting people.