Milo Yiannopoulos speech at UC Berkeley canceled after campus protests

Peaceful protesters need to develop tactics to counter the black bloc ones. When they use a peaceful group as cover until they commit violence and then melt back into the group, they should be left standing all by themselves.


Which professional trolley was that?

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It’s quite nice to know that some people are afraid aware they cannot predict what others might do when lied to.

Thanks for reminding us that protest works. Look, here you are. Reacting to it.

So, apathy… sure, let me ask, this silence you propose… it would be useful to whom? Would I feel better, more like John Galt, were I to do that?

how about if you call for silence, you lead the way?


Hey, you have to fight back when someone makes an attempt on your life or liberty. My favorite quote to this point:

What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?.. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago


Milo telling insulting jokes about you, and people you love, is not, repeat not, making an attempt on your life or liberty. There’s not much common ground for discussion between me and people who think that he is.


You know, I once testified against someone who handed a violent felon a weapon, then used to maul someone else.

Turns out handing someone a weapon and then looking the other way IS something one gets held responsible for.


You’re obviously trying to make some sort of connection here.

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This is false. I know plenty of conservatives – many are family members. They are wonderful people who just want to live their lives in peace. I think they are deluded about some things, but that is life and the world would be pretty boring if everyone agreed with me about everything.

History shows that when the left is better at violence than the right, and when they take the initiative, they institute systems of oppression so horrible they make Hitler look like an amateur. Soviet Union, Cambodia, DPRK. There’s nothing special about the left that makes them immune to evil. And, based on my study of history, it seems like justifying the initiation of political violence pretty much inevitably turns movements to evil.

Can you find me even a single example of right-wing violence at a Tea Party rally? I think if we try to quantify this, it will be clear that in the 21st century the left engages in significantly more political violence in the US than the right. A few people got cold-cocked at Trump rallies, but on the flip side people rioted and destroyed private property during Trump protests. And that’s ignoring the one-sided reporting we’re getting. I don’t really doubt that the left has generally been more violent than the right since the Bush years, and I really worry about people like you trying to justify it.

The thing is, the left has gotten more violent while at the same time its capacity to use violence effectively has diminished. The left supports gun control, but more importantly they think it’s icky to learn to use a gun properly. They think MMA is barbaric. There’s a lot of interest on the left in engaging in violence on a petty scale, and in justifying that bullshit non-use of violence, but very little in learning to actually defend themselves or others from, e.g., a resurgent white power movement.

This really worries me, because I do see white nationalism on the rise. But the left is hamstringing its ability to combat it, and positions like yours are at the forefront of that. You see, the white power movement is playing it smart. Instead of going into the streets and smashing heads, they are infiltrating police departments. They are training peacefully, and fully within their rights.

By initiating violence in petty street protests, the left is not accomplishing anything lasting, but they are alienating potential allies and sympathizers and justifying the inevitable backlash. And when the backlash comes, the left will be helpless because they spent all their time justifying lighting trash cans on fire when they should have been peacefully drilling light infantry tactics.


and you’re being quite observant here.

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I do my best with what I’m given…:slight_smile:

You can do a lot better with it.


Trump got elected , in a big part, by the unprecedented free publicity given to him by the liberals and the left becoming obsessed with his troll like behaviour. It was an endless snowball of over reaction which still hasn’t begun to cease.

The way to deal with trolls is ignore them. Nothing else works!!!

If we dont want to create these self fulfilling prophesies we need to learn how to not overreact to attention seeking bullies (trolls).

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I am all for protest, yelling at, signs made, boycott, etc But, you know, fire and smashing shit is a different level.

The guy is like a living embodiment of a troll. Like king of the Trolls. And he just trolled Berkeley hard and got the result he wanted.




Jokes aren’t violence. Even mean jokes.

You know who breaks someone’s property or punches someone because they got called a name? A bully.

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If you go out of your way to disrespect the dignity of another human, that is violence.

Your limited definition is your limitation, not others’




actually you’re claiming that I’m claiming that, so as I would be the person starting the argument you’re having.

Quite responsible of you. Please go outside and get some air, catch your breath.


What if they got no diggity?


You have to give more than one data point to show a trend.


this Left/Right == violence nonsense is one of the lamest derail tactics I’ve seen in a while.

Violence begets violence. Full Stop.