Minecraft is 15 years old

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/18/minecraft-is-15-years-old.html


It all started for me with a couple Penny Arcade posts.

Alright, I thought, ~$10 why not? … Months(Years?) later I’m Puttying into our Minecraft server from work to delete an overspawn of chickens killing everyone’s framerate.


Still remember the cold sweats and pounding heart IRL the first time I got lost in a cave with no food

I normally don’t do youtube links; except to the occasional song when that is thematically appropriate; but I ran across this piece today and found its critique of the mechanical and narrative drift of Minecraft very interesting; especially since the thesis of the piece was that that drift was from largely effective prodding of intrinsic motivation and the emergence of an implied story to (mostly middling) extrinsic motivation and lore more in line with RPG convention.

I’m not hugely invested personally, I like my building games much more in the direction of abstracted and powerful interfaces rather than tactile-but-clunky ones (same reason my interest in Factorio just does not transfer over to Satisfactory); but the examination of survival elements as adjuncts to sandbox gameplay was quite interesting.

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I never played it. But my boys are downstairs playing it right now.

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Minecraft is timeless and eternal.

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