Minneapolis police ordered to leave on bodycams during incidents

Or they can just piss sitting down. Problem solved.


The “off button” could be the “privacy button”. For example,iIf they’re walking into a bathroom, the button gets pushed and automatically encodes the still recording camera input. If nobody complains of anything untoward happening in the bathroom, the recording remains encoded and un-viewed by any human, even if the recording for that day is being routinely reviewed for some other reason.

If anyone complains that the cop did something while the button was pushed, the normally hidden recording can be reviewed by a team of independent reviewers.

Seriously, if poorly trained TSA shlubs get to backscatter view my junk so I can travel somewhere in a reasonable amount of time, the police can tolerate a bit of privacy invasion as well. (and there wouldn’t even be anyone secretly viewing their “privacy button time” unless there was a problem).


This is exactly what I was getting at in my clumsy way. Thanks for distilling it to simpler terms.


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