Minnesota Public Radio sent us one of the weirdest legal threats we've ever received (and they won't explain it)

More like Hanlon’s Razor.

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Of course, though I seriously doubt the person who posted that was younger than 20, and that was 20 years ago, so I’m confident that Rothrock is at least 40, though I suspect older (hence my guess of 50+).


Could be. The time-in-job strikes me as the important thing though, as one can begin a career at any age.

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Seconded. I was just watching a video game streamer who I think is in their late 20s and they were listening to non-stop 80s hits, and I was thinking, “Do you listen to any music that came out after you were born?”

ETA: Counterpoint is that I’ve found this comic very accurate:


Here is a link to MPR’s “Contact Us” form, in case anyone wishes to do so.



It astounds me how many people don’t seem to grasp the word recording means people can listen to it later, whether or not they were born when it was recorded. Either the individuals assuming other people take no interest in culture before or after their formative years does not themselves, or they’re assuming other people are less cultured than they are. Neither exhibits great awareness on their part.


I messages MPR this morning:

As a long time MPR member I found a story I read this morning disturbing. Before I make my year end contribution I would like to see this addressed responsibly. So far it seems MPR has completely failed.

Apparently they saw it at 9:51AM. I’m ok with not donating to MPR this year if that’s what it comes to.


It’s a shame because Rocky did some tight work on Rubble v. Flintstone. He’s definitely taking a wrong turn here.


I am shocked and appalled that any NPR outlet would behave in such a fashion and their doubling down on these actions is positively grotesque. MPR are copyright trolling and, like them or not, they deserve to be treated exactly like everyone else who copyright trolls - beaten into an expensive submission so that they don’t do this to people who cannot defend themselves.

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For the record, I wouldn’t want anyone to not donate to MPR or other public media over this. I appreciate the support, but this isn’t zero sum. I’d be happy to have MPR talk to me about it, figure out what they didn’t like about the post and work to make them happy, because public media is important and I support their mission, even if they have done this one misguided and destructive thing.


I so wanted to be sniffy about their musical tastes, but, fair play, not bad. Would listen again.

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In the weeks since we received the threat, I’ve discussed it with several copyright lawyers, and none of them can make any sense of it.

I wouldn’t worry. If a lawyer can’t understand it, i don’t think a judge will either.

Sorry, guys, this one’s on me. They had another pledge drive where the announcer said “and if you don’t renew your membership today, we will send random harassing letters to web sites you frequent.”

My bad, I’ll renew it later today.


Why publish the name of the person who sent the outrageously wrong takedown letter? Because they put their name to the demand and bizarre legal claims in it. People need to be accountable, and a “senior” paralegal shouldn’t be putting their name to something making legal claims if they don’t believe the legal claims.


…but while this is ongoing it is helping fund copyright trolling.

Seeing as how I was born in 1954, everything I listen to came out after I was born! Which gives me plenty of scope for catching gigs by bands celebrating various anniversaries, like King Crimson’s 50th anniversary gig in London this year - a classmate brought’In The Court Of The Crimson King’ to school, and loaned it to me. My taste in music expanded vastly from The Stones, Beatles and various pop artists of the 60’s, and has never stopped. There have been more that a few gigs by indie band where I was likely the oldest member of the audience by quite a margin!


How well that works can be measured by where @doctorow’s article sits on the Google News search for “Minnesota Public Radio”.

(My current local public radio station [I’m a member] starts every morning by reading verbatim stories from yesterday’s local newspaper [I’m a subscriber], without attribution. The lack of attribution part really bugs me, especially because part of the station’s membership pitch is about their news gathering effort.)


Dammit! I so wanted to be the 1st to post about China O’Brien!

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Some of the best power pop I’ve ever heard has been released just in the last 7 years! The kids today…are alright!


Some telegraphing is needed for an unchoreographed fight scene, but that clip… holy flapping fisticuffs Batman! :smile:

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