Trump’s campaign manager?
The new Rick Roll!!
Oh dear
It’s pretty great as-is, but a little context would be interesting.
“This dog that attacked you, what did it sound like?”
“That’s right girl’s, he’s all mine.”
Gneawrrrrr burned toastrwwwwwffff(and as a bonus Canadians too)
Australian viewers will identify this from the watermark as "A Current Affair" and take this in their stride.
For everyone else, as a source of news and analysis this clip is as good as it gets.
Google “crazy guy snarling”.
I can relate to that, I have days like that too.
Was hoping for a more insightful analysis, instead of just gnarrngarrnangrargaaaarrrr.
I used to know a guy who would let loose with a stream of only slightly less virulent garbling whenever a bum tried to talk to him, back in the 70s. It seemed to stop their advances.
Now, if we just get these two together…
Some context:
Context: Australia.
Did not get this at first then read next post. Brilliant!
I think gnarrngarrnangrargaaaarrrr went out about the same time Spy magazine did. What was that, 1994?