I went through this whole thread and somehow we missed The Fall.
Edit: goddammit why do my gifs not work anymore
I went through this whole thread and somehow we missed The Fall.
Edit: goddammit why do my gifs not work anymore
<img src="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/boingboing/original/3X/d/f/dfa8bc5d59bde5cc76eb62fd014c21f883308e7d.gif" width=“500” height=“282” title="The Mindy Project Mindy Kaling Listen, my body is attracted to your body but when you speak it makes my brain angry” alt=“Mindy angry brain”>
Raging Misandrist
Is that Diana Rigg?
“No cookie for you!”
NON-GIF/NON-IMAGE (where else can I put these?)
Slappy Squirrel Animaniacs - Well that was pointless.
Following is a graphic demonstration utilizing a cucumber to simulate the penis. Viewer discretion is advised. (…CHOMP!)
Somehow, as a gourmet type, I think there will be a difference in bite and texture. Which makes this not really convincing, but probably cringe worthy.
(make bad jokes said somebody a few minutes ago)
Behind every successful woman is a man that she has oppressed!
Edit: just noticed: @anon61221983 posted this back at #13… I didn’t remember it and didn’t search – I shall now reflect upon my wrongness…