Missing images?

Is anyone else not seeing any images on BB’s posts? I’m just getting huge white spaces in all browsers. On the upside, Jackhammer Jill has returned after a week of absence.

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that’s the lag from the NSA data scrape :wink:


I’m missing them too. I can see them on the main page, and if I go into an article, but I can’t see them on the blog version of the site which is what I mainly use. Seemed to happen last night some time.

Should be fixed. We recently enabled “lazy loading” of images to save on your bandwidth (you only load images for what you can see), however, it seems not to like our old crusty templates at the moment.

I’ve disabled them until our underlying rewrite is complete.


Hey! fixed while I was still browsing page one of /blog. Way to be on the ball, man.
I like how all the images were 1x1 pixel .gifs, that was pretty funny.

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potentially stupid question incoming:
ever since the above scenario, I notice the top couple lines in my google image searches are blank as well. It didn’t happen prior to the BB thing. Is there any chance this is due to a cookie or something from here? It’s a pretty big coincidence, but correlation also seems unlikely. I don’t know about this stuff but I know google obfuscates asking questions, so I’m just asking here.

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Can’t help on that one, might want to check your privacy/adblocker extensions. :slight_smile:


bingo. appreciate that.
toggling cosmetic filtering on uBlock fixed it
wonder why only the top results? weird.



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