Missing sailor is late, not lost

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/02/05/missing-sailor-is-late-not-lost.html

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Better late than never!


“Late” has more than one meaning. I immediately assumed from the headline that the person was deceased.


It sounds like this guy decided to solo sail across the Pacific with nothing but a cell phone for communication. Amazon sells satellite phones with texting and built-in SOS location features for just $250, so there’s not much of an excuse not to bring one for a journey like that.


I was just about to post the same, just had to double check prices first.

A Garmin InReach subscription costs $15 per month at its cheapest ($12 p.m. if you sign up for a year) and will give you 10 SMS (and unlimited SOS calls) on the Iridium network. It either integrates with your boat’s existing Garmin infrastructure or a cheap dedicated handheld (~$350).

I’m sure he had an EPIRB on board for actual emergencies, but with today’s technology there is no excuse to not also be reachable in such intermediate not-quite-emergency situations that make people worry and call the coast guard.


I’ve just got around to watching “Ghost Busters: Afterlife”, on Netflix. I think, it is my favourite of the series. It certainly made me ■■■■■ around the eyes; especially when the sirens finally kicked in. They did a good job of teasing out the fan-service across the film; and it hit its target every time for me, without outliving its welcome. 7.5/10: would cry again.

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… probably just too stubborn to ask for directions…

Slartibartfast: You must come with me or you will be late!
Arthur Dent: Late? What for?
Slartibartfast: What is your name, human?
Arthur: Dent, Arthur Dent.
Slartibartfast: Late, as in ‘the late Dentarthurdent’. It’s a sort of threat, you see. I’ve never been terribly good at them myself but I’m told they can be terribly effective.


I suppose the sailor could have been pregnant too?


Or, maybe Skipper got stuck in the doldrums and decided to reread his entire collection of Patrick O’Brian? He’s cruising, he’s en route. He surely has a way of sending a distress call, but he’s not in distress. So why’s it his fault that default world is freaking out? Maybe he’s out there bc the whole goddamn planet is so up in everybody else’s ass that he just wants some peace?
(Not my style, but free-range sailing is a valid endeavor.)


True, however, his arrival was due on 18 January, it is not clear if he had set that date but if it was an ETA then, even give or take a few days for vagaries, a search would be launched, relatives and friends would be concerned.


It’s good seamanship to keep others abreast of your position and situation and in addition it’s common sense to keep authorities from having to launch unnecessary SAR efforts. Nothing wrong with taking your time, but in that case, give a reasonable ETA to people on shore, or inform them (e.g. via an Iridium SMS, as I suggested above) if your plans change.

As I said:

Skippering a vessel is a responsibility, it’s not the free-for-all YouTube live aboard cruisers make it out to be. Or in other words:

We live in a society.
Even in the middle of the Pacific Ocean


How much taxpayer money was spent on this search, that would probably have been spent on feeding children or buying a hammer to work on an F-35?

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Well, he has had his cake, and now he must lie in it.

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Absolutely, He could, dead, and pregnant. What a tragedy!

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Lost, late and low on fuel?


That sounds like it should be lyrics in a Bruce Dickenson song.

Dude, this is the Pacific Ocean; not Texas. (:sob::sob::sob:)

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