Mississippi state rep tells distraught mom to buy kid's lifesaving meds "with money she earns"

Speaking of which



The total amount of time I spent dealing with healthcare administration/finances last year? Aboot 1 hour. And in the decade I lived in Oz, probably another hour. Progress, I don’t think the US is doing it right.


Oh yeah…look at his personal FB…a real 'thumper.


I suspect that there’s going to come a point where the commons, to survive, will find it necessary to simply dispense with such barriers.

3D printing etc…

Luckily he won’t need to, with all the free press he’s getting via this story.


I would love to hear the explanation but, funny enough, people who say such stupid things always seem to be smart enough to know their position is indefensible.

They’re also unwilling to admit to being wrong, though, which is one reason we can’t have nice things.


We don’t have to worry about patents/etc… We have a natural organic source already:

We just need to drill baby drill…


This is the second healthcare-related story I’ve read in the past hour (the other was on Ars). In both cases, someone (or several someones, at Ars) in the comments had the brilliant idea of just not being so damn poor if you want to be able to not die at the hands of our shit-ass “health” “care” “system”. It’s not hard, they say. Just put away money in your savings account every month and stop being such a god damn slacker! If you don’t, it’s not because you can’t afford to, it’s always because you’re lazy, or you’re wasting your money on frivolities (like a new BMW, to use the ludicrous example from one of the Ars posters) instead of being a Fiscally Responsible Poor Person Who Is Never Allowed A Moment Of Happiness In Your Miserable Fucking Life.

It’s a damn good thing I can’t set fire to people with my mind, or they’d have a ton of sudden, unexpected medical bills to spend their self-lauded rainy day funds on.


It’s going to get pretty fucking dire, and the people who need these items won’t be able to afford proper 3D printers that do anything more than halfassed ABS. Printing McDonalds toys for their kids isn’t going to fix crushing poverty.

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I’m solidly middle-class. Maybe even “upper” (although not so much with the cost of living here). I have insurance. And yet, when I had cancer we had to pay almost $10,000 out of pocket for my surgeries and treatment. We had to borrow against our 401k to pay the bills.

That’s with a low six-figure household income, insurance, and savings. How anyone making $50k or less is supposed to be able to afford to stay alive is beyond me.


Sounds like a homeschooler to me.


As sister Rand said, the only morality is that of the market and of the self. /s


Can we please leave grits out of it? I intellectually appreciate the alliteration, but quality cheese grits are yummy, yummy, yum, yum. Maybe god, Guns and Gestapo? Not as clever, I readily admit, but I do love grits.


Let me guess… it is going to turn out that his email was hacked…

I hope the dude stands by it and then loses his next election.


Whoa, the irony here is astounding. So, in trying to research why generic insulin isn’t available to people who can’t afford brand, you are denied access. Hence, the entire impetus for the Open Access movement in publishing.


Hold on there, please. It ain’t that the libraries don’t want to buy access – they can’t afford it. I could tell you stories about the cost of subscriptions that would curl your hair. Let’s please not blame the libraries – they are at the forefront of the Open Access movement to make all research, government funded or not, available to you, me, and Aunt Sally down the street.


I’m just annoyed my library didn’t have it. That’s actually quite rare. My library typically has access to any study I need.

I’m not blaming them really. It’s not their fault that Nature or Science is like $20k/yr for institutional licensing.


When my father had cancer, his doctor actually advised my well-insured (and US-born) parents to get treatment, sell the house and leave the country to avoid being financially ruined if the insurance didn’t go through. Luckily it didn’t come to that, given that the treatment quickly turned into end-of-life care, as I can’t imagine my mother would have lived very long had she been forced out of the country and forced to live by herself without any sort of social support network.

Fuck this state rep with a cactus, sideways.