Originally published at: Missouri hid own Covid study after it found mask mandates saved lives | Boing Boing
i had a falling out with a good friend in MO who gave up on masks because he said he “wasn’t going to live in fear” – he’s vaxxed, but still. i told him he could still get it, or transmit it to others, and that the masks are just a way to help defeat the virus, but he would hear nothing of it. i wonder if he would change his mind now that this news is coming out.
My partner is from St Louis, and wants to move back there. The politics of MO, quite frankly, alarm and disgust me, so I’m slowly winning them over to western IL.
It’s not really a big ask, wearing a mask. I still struggle to reconcile people who wouldn’t wear a mask even if only a 1% chance of saving someone else.
Not only do masks save lives, they tend to save the “wrong” lives. Of course the study was buried.
This is such a common refrain, and it’s so far off the mark i don’t even know where to begin when people say that. Me wearing a mask isn’t a sign of fear. It’s not a political statement. It’s me doing quite literally the least I can do to try to keep my community safe from a preventable disease whose long-term effects we still aren’t sure of. Idiots.
Yeah, being cautious or prudent is not the same thing at all as being fearful. Is wearing a seat belt considered “driving in fear”?
Fauci has called for a future commission to investigate the handling of the pandemic. In a better world we’d already be talking about tribunals for politicians like this. In a much better world these death cultists wouldn’t have been elected in the first place.
Sounds to me like your friend already made up their mind and doesn’t want to change it.
No masks but plenty of cover up.
Makes sense.
Is carrying a gun around living in fear?
Honestly, it seems much more like living in fear than wearing a mask.
Yet we have thousands of extremely fearful cops running around with guns and no masks.
If anyone asks me about me still wearing a mask while vaxxed, I say something like, “As a Christian I couldn’t have on my conscious the thought of accidentally infecting and killing someone. It goes against the commandment to treat everyone like a brother.”
Or something like that. I suppose that doesn’t work against an atheist, but I hedge my bets on who the anti-mask person is.
ETA - if someone accuses me of living in fear, I have said something like, “I like to be prepared. Just like CCW doesn’t mean one lives in fear.” That too disarms their argument.
Also - why is MO never in the news for something good? Granted I still consider myself a Kansan, but I guess I have lived in MO most of my life at this point.
yeah, exactly. that’s as far as i got with him before we decided that it would be better if we just didn’t speak for awhile. sigh.
yeah, exactly. i am consoling myself that he and his family got vaccinated, even though they all got covid last year. he’s the type to be all-in on the “natural immunity” line of thinking.
omg, this is perfect – i wish i had thought of it when i was talking to him. he’s a big gun freak, of course. i’m gonna remember this… thank you!
Things have been loosening up off and on around where I’ve been going, with many people maskless, but I still have mine on. The thought crosses my mind, what would I say if I’m questioned or challenged about it. I’d say something about respect. I don’t know if everyone here is pro or anti mask, so I’ll be on the cautious side. I don’t know if everyone is vaxxed, so I’ll be cautious. I don’t know much at all in many of the situations I find myself in, so I’ll show some respect and mask up. It ain’t hurting anyone if I do.
“Show me on the doll where my mask hurt you”. Or the covidiots latest hypocritical co-option: “my body, my choice”.