Because we’ve had a spate of these issues recently, effective immediately:
Posts that make assumptions about anyone’s mental state, race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, group affiliation or sexual orientation without it being explicitly stated somewhere (either in a post or other verifiable source) will be considered inappropriate.
We as mods do not have the capacity to vet such statements. If you are going to label someone, said label requires backup.
Further, ”effective immediately” means mod actions from this point on, including actions on older posts, should they be flagged by the community (as is the case with any mod action).
Do not make assumptions as to anyone’s mental state, race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, group affiliation or sexual orientation without corroboration.
Additionally. one change to clarify our policy on good-faith-by-default:
Assume good faith and like the good. However, flag the bad, and avoid contentless comments.
Eye roll gifs without comments are usually removed when flagged. IMHO though, most gifs are also posted with thoughts from the poster, which are fine, as are gifs with text as the message.