2018: The Year in Review

2018's top Users

Most Time Reading

User Hours Read
@zfirphdn 1309
@gracchus 1247
@RickMycroft 872
@the_borderer 861
@Mindysan33 782
@FGD135 761
@TobinL 758
@Wanderfound 733
@Barradeno 688
@Melz2 661

Most Topics Created

User Topics
@doctorow 2357
@beschizza 1150
@frauenfelder 1126
@Rusty_Blazenhoff 857
@pesco 829
@AndreaJames 775
@SeamusBellamy 613
@xeni 573
@boingboing 491
@jlw 442

Most Replies Created

User Replies
@FGD135 7224
@Mindysan33 5400
@RickMycroft 5301
@gracchus 4737
@Melz2 4734
@Brainspore 4208
@Wanderfound 3977
@Papasan 3975
@Boundegar 3953
@Grey_Devil 3662

Most Replied to

User Replies
@Brainspore 3573
@Mindysan33 3468
@Melz2 3411
@gracchus 3308
@Mister44 2859
@Boundegar 2682
@RickMycroft 2548
@Grey_Devil 2263
@Wanderfound 2214
@Papasan 2168

Most Likes Given

User Likes
@TobinL 69595
@HMSGoose 38379
@Mindysan33 37032
@DukeTrout 36556
@FGD135 34081
@Auld_Lang_Syne 33469
@gracchus 32786
@GulliverFoyle 29860
@ChuckV 28962
@euansmith 23006

Most Likes Received

User Likes
@Melz2 49840
@Brainspore 48544
@gracchus 42530
@Mindysan33 38880
@Papasan 32931
@RickMycroft 29041
@GulliverFoyle 23067
@anon48584343 22995
@Wanderfound 22124
@FGD135 22077

Most Visits

User Days Visited
@Glaurung 365
@LDoBe 365
@Michael_R_Smith 365
@Ratel 365
@gracchus 365
@TobinL 365
@the_borderer 365
@d_r 365
@jerwin 365
@cheem 365

See all Visits

Users Granted the Empathetic Badge

@TomPoston @docosc @Neovison.vison @MikeR @GoatCheezInfrno @karl_jones @anon27007144 @Bozobub @wolfman_al2 @NovaeDeArx @BakaNeko @dommerdoodle @AnthonyI @NashRambler @someguy

2018's top Topics


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Richard Spencer says that antifa sucked all the fun out of college appearances, calls it quits 253
Seattle nazi one-punch knocked out, reportedly removed armband when he awoke 243
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was surrounded by cowering "good guys with guns" 185

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
I owe Anthony Bourdain so much 46
How a kid cartoonist avoided Scholastic's digital sharecropping trap 38
Playboy lawsuit over 32

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Richard Spencer says that antifa sucked all the fun out of college appearances, calls it quits 491
Watch live as Christine Blasey Ford testifies at the Brett Kavanaugh hearing 390
'Multiple Fatalities' in Florida Mass Shooting: Suspect in Custody, 20+ Injured at Parkland's Stoneman Douglas High School 367

Most Popular

User Topic Score
I owe Anthony Bourdain so much 44
How a kid cartoonist avoided Scholastic's digital sharecropping trap 41
Playboy lawsuit over 37

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Do you think that we're living in a simulation? 8
NEW: Ecuador is done with Julian Assange, won't help Wikileaks founder hide from British government 8
Terry Gilliam: women "knew what they were doing" with Harvey Weinstein 7


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Odd Stuff 42
An ode to the audio jack as an engineering marvel 29
The intersection of anti-vaxxers & tone deaf suburban white people has been found 20

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
I got mugged today and I feel so powerless 32
Happy non-religion specific celebration of the winter solistice, everybody! 25
If you're past the point of overwhelmed and into desperate (mental health) 24

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Dead Celebrity 316
Odd Stuff 199
Fuck Today 198

Most Popular

User Topic Score
I got mugged today and I feel so powerless 36
Happy non-religion specific celebration of the winter solistice, everybody! 32
If you're past the point of overwhelmed and into desperate (mental health) 31

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
The customs of luxury car owners 20


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Elections 2018 180
Jordan B Peterson: Gish Galloping Simpleton, Simpering Surrogate Father Figure 129
Cultural appropriation: okay if done by another oppressed minority? 74

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Elections 2018 85
US 2nd amendment scorecard 42
Jordan B Peterson: Gish Galloping Simpleton, Simpering Surrogate Father Figure 29

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
A round up of Trumpian events 🖕🍊🤡 4315
The Gallery of Trump-Inspired Assholes 1138
A Round Up of Resistance to Trump 1078

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Elections 2018 64
US 2nd amendment scorecard 41
Jordan B Peterson: Gish Galloping Simpleton, Simpering Surrogate Father Figure 37

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Trump, Brexit, classism, and a side of policy 7
Elections 2018 6


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
First ever plane with no moving parts takes flight 4
Should rock stacking be banned? 4
What can you do with the open architecture of this BBS? 3

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
'Lachrymal Saber' revealed! 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
First ever plane with no moving parts takes flight 22
Training Your Robot Replacement Has Never Been Easier 18
Should rock stacking be banned? 18

Most Popular

User Topic Score
National climate assessment 2018 21
Using the death of a star, 'Space ant' fired laser at Earth 20
Just Say No? The Use of Conversation Analysis in Developing a Feminist Perspective on Sexual Refusal 20


Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Five years of BBS đź“… 76
Moderation policy change: unfounded assumptions 29
(slurping loudly) 26

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Brainspore going dark for a while 34
Moderation policy change: unfounded assumptions 34
Five years of BBS đź“… 26

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
General Moderation Topic 181
Five years of BBS đź“… 135
(slurping loudly) 86

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Moderation policy change: unfounded assumptions 38
Brainspore going dark for a while 36
Five years of BBS đź“… 35

This is a new “year in review” plugin we’re testing! Let us know what you think of it; I can see a few minor tweaks I’d like already.



Wait, the most popular thing I ever did was say I was taking off for a couple of months?


Well, if nothing else, I feel better about the amount of time I spend on BB? :yum:

And it’s genuinely nice to see hard data that I’ve improved my giving of Likes.

To quote myself in 2016, Absence makes the threads grow longer.

Captain obvious moment here: one thing you might already have thought of, but the topics created is always going to skew to the staff contributors. Which is fine if that’s what you’re going for, but just something I noticed.


Except for the glaring omission of Discourse’s Top Dev for 2018, looks good to me. I obviously spent a lot of time here last year.

As Red Skelton said at Harry Cohn’s funeral, “give the public what they want and they’ll turn out for it.”

[I keed, I keed…]


It’s good to see that i do indeed talk too much, enough to make some kind of list. I definitely think its rather interesting having a review of random points of data from the BBS though. There should definitely be a top 5 people using the word Mօist


■■■■■ Slacks – wait, you’ve used trickery to get that through! Curse you! :man_mage:



Oh, and also! Big thanks to @scossar who worked hard to bring this plugin to fruition for the new year! :clap:


Can we get a shout out to 2018’s most popular banana themed post? I need to know.


I like to joke that I give out likes like a drunk sailor on shore leave… but damn near twice that of the person below me.
Y’all rock though so they are well earned.


We’ll just look at it.


If I had a car, I’d consider using a version of this as a bumper sticker.






Most visits seems superfluous, other than that it looks good.


It’s slurping all the way down.




