(slurping loudly)



i would be delighted if i could express my feelings about the comment you replied to as effectively in a dozen paragraphs as you have with one image, i bow to your eloquence,


Well, obvs, because an image is worth a thousand words. That is why humans only communicate in emoji now.


Sometimes images CAN convey as much as a whole paragraph of writing. Hell, Iā€™ve read plenty of 500 page books, full of half formed ideas and conjecture, that say much less than a single image can say. Itā€™s not just one or the other and it shouldnā€™t have to be. One isnā€™t necessarily superior to the other, theyā€™re just different.

Honestly, I get a little ornery when told how I should and shouldnā€™t communicate with others. Iā€™m perfectly happy to abide by community standards in terms of no name calling, bad faith actions, etc, because I fully agree that they rarely help (except maybe in the case of bad faith trollies who arenā€™t here to talk, but to punch down) but images are communications as well as text. Our first form of written communications were in fact in images, not text (cave paintings and whatnot).


Unfair and inaccurate.

Itā€™s unfortunate that not everyone can communicate effectively with mere images, but the irrational derision some people seem to feel is uncalled for, IMO. Before there was the written word there were pictograms. And while language has advanced since the dawn of ā€‹civilization, a picture is often still worth 1000 words.ā€‹


Sure, as long as itā€™s not the same picture repeated over and over (or that responses are always images), I could get behind that :wink:

The spice of life, variety is!




Okayā€¦ now Iā€™m just trying to annoy you! :wink:

But seriously, plenty of us communicate here in both text (thoughtful and not to thoughtful) and in images, and there really are sometimes when a tried and true gif does the job better than any thing else. It communicates to both the (generally speaking) trolley that they arenā€™t worth much time and effort, and to the rest of our community the same thing.


Not an issue for me, on either count, methinks; I pride myself on my extensive collection of apt images.

That said, certain ā€˜favoritesā€™ are just par for the course when life itself often seems to be on an infuriatingly endless loop;

When thereā€™s yet another gun massacre in the US: Alan Rickman flipping a table and Drew Barrymore screaming in enraged frustrartion are exceedingly appropriate.

When thereā€™s even more nonsesensical/terrible news regarding this shitshow of an admin, the Khepra facedesk and the Kitty Foreman drinking gifs should be expected.

When thereā€™s someone inevitably talking down to someone else needlessly, thereā€™s Kit Harrington slurping, and when an obvious failtroll pops up on the scene, thereā€™s Lucille Bluth to ā€˜welcomeā€™ them with a side-eye.

These have become trademarks of some the more witty mutants here, as much a part of the community ā€˜in-jokesā€™ as looking at bananas or calling asshats ā€˜gentlemenā€™ ironically.



Yes but that was a different image! So :clap::clap::clap:

@Melz2 I actually agree that a problem with many of the discussions on cough familiar topics tend to have ā€œfamiliarā€ arguments repeated over and over. I think thatā€™s why community members can burn out over timeā€¦ and rightfully so.

I mean, thereā€™s only so many times and ways you can argue gun control (for example) before youā€™ve kinda literally seen and heard it all?

This is also why I tend to prefer discussions where people are sharing real, personal stories rather than talking points. And that also implies discussions are getting a regular influx of new people, as well, rather than the same old folks saying the same old things.


One former longtime BBer did:

Iā€™m pretty much there myself.

ETA: That same regular, one of the most relentlessly insightful and engaging people Iā€™ve seen on the BBS, closed that particular comment withā€“what else?ā€“a GIF.


insert regular THIS gif

Iā€™m not quite getting why those who build and run this place, and presumably appreciate the presence of those who come back repeatedly, are denigrating this particular community-binding feature. Maybe because itā€™s just not suited to their own particular tastes?


An eyeroll gif is not contentless. Itā€™s a quick visual equivalent of ā€œOh come on, thatā€™s so, whatever (you can probably figure it out) that it doesnā€™t even merit an extensive verbal response.ā€

Thatā€™s not the thousand words pictures are sometimes said to be worth, but again, as evinced by the numerous likes that such lonely gifs often receive, they are not automatically a contentless comment.


I guess weā€™ll see what @orenwolf believes.

Which is a pretty contentless response- itā€™s essentially saying itā€™s self-evident that they are wrong. Which if it were self-evident, they probably wouldnā€™t have said it.


/searches frantically for side-eye emoji

i have found it

āš† _ āš†


I have tons, all you ever need do is ask.



If you think somethingā€™s not worth responding to, donā€™t.

Edit: Okay, yeah, Iā€™m tempted to do that sometimes too. Thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with funny memes, and If someone comes on here spouting Trumpist slogans and gets eyeroll gifs in response, I doubt there will be any reports. But several users, including you, have a habit of responding to even mild criticism or disagreement with snarky gifs, and it does make it harder to have genuine discussion.

So, all that stuff in quotes, those words of hers, are not a response?

Hmmm, I think I see the problem here.

See my edit.