Molly Ringwald on the gross sexual behavior in Sixteen Candles

Again, nope. These things were common, not ok. 200 years ago slavery was common, not ok. To state that i defended sexual assault suggests you did not read my post.


Real Genius is one of the few 80s teen comedies that has aged pretty well in my opinion. It gets bonus points for many of the sciencey parts being actually pretty well done (yes, many liberties are taken but it’s far more science than science fiction).


you’re not very good at this


The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai - bad guys are rapey, good guys are not.


Alright, I will try this one more time. If, as you guys seem to want to do, we throw this time period when gross, disgusting things were routinely done to women down the memory hole, how does this possibly empower or assist the victims? The only ones who benefit from erasing the memory of these times are the perpetrators. Again, see Judge K. Would erasing the memory of lynchings ease the pain of the victims or force change? Of course not. In the 80’s women were frequently seen as little more than prey. If that upsets you, good. It should. Ms. Ringwald is speaking out, but doing so as one who grew up in that era. I thank God my daughters did not go through what so many girls in my age group did. Now is obviously far from perfect, but at least it is commonly acknowledged (by most, anyway) that this behavior is intolerable and people are facing sanctions for it. While it is not yet enough, it is way better than it once was. Am I good at this? I am a white dude in my mid 50’s. I have no social media experience. I only have life experience. Now is better than it was. I can only pray that tomorrow is better than today. It was NEVER ok, if that makes it clear. But it was common and commonly tolerated, to the everlasting shame of my generation. For what it is worth, we thought our parents were cavemen too. We actually did make strides compared to their generation. Yours is up to bat now. Wait and see what your kids think of you. :wink:


Technically written in the 16th Century as it was based on Shakespeare’s Henry IV.

You misspelled “took a small bit of inspiration from, but was otherwise radically different than”.

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