Montana state rep says US Constitution calls for socialists to be jailed or shot

This is the result when I bing “Socialist Countries”:

People’s Republic of China
Republic of Cuba
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Republic of India
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Portuguese Republic
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Odd how each and every one of them have a word in their country’s name in common… Isn’t it weird how Republicans never seem to bring that word up?

Edited to add clarification: The original list contains the short names of each country. I went to the CIA factbook and got the full, formal name of the country in English.


IIRC the socialist reforms in Germany under Bismark were marketed at “Practical Christianity”

The resistance is either willful ignore or politician posturing that conflates the model most of Europe and Canada with places like Cuba, Venezuela, and the former USSR.

Public does not always mean government owned, which is my point. Decentralised socialism has been a thing since long before Marx.

But maybe we shouldn’t be breaking the brains of Republicans that badly, even if it would be fun to see their response to this.


Will the snipers be lined up anytime someone cashes their Social Security check or uses their Medicare card?
I just want to make sure Mr. Garcia’s mom is safe…


Ok…I claim Rodney is a socialist. Can we shoot him now?

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He has no idea, except that it’s related to that Stalin guy, that Mao guy, that beardy guy, and that Cuban Castro guy, who were all the worst people ever… also that Hitler guy, who was clearly a socialist it said so right there… Most people in America really have no actual clue what socialism as a political philosophy means, the variety that exists in socialist thought or that it can exist outside of a totalitarian government. In part, because they’ve been lied to for decades now on those facts.



We can mock these ignoramuses, but never forget that fascists believe what they’re saying and, given enough power, are willing take direct action based on it.


First they came for the Communists…


I was hoping the house historian would catch that. :wink:


Seems legit.

This from the lovely state that produces politicians that body slam reporters when asked basic questions.

Why am I not surprised that other elected officials there are even further stupid than I can possibly imagine


It doesn’t matter whether or not this idiot Garcia and other Naziesque politicians believe their drivel. What matters is the fact so many weak-minded violent sheep believe it.


Keep in mind that there are people who have a frightening amount of access to power who truly believe that all who fail to adhere to Trumpian politics should be jailed or executed. Mike Huckabee is Trump’s 2024 campaign manager. We seriously need to vote these clowns out in November. There honestly may not be another chance.


Possibly an interpretation of the guarantee clause.

But as the article notes, the Supreme Court has held “the Guarantee Clause does not provide the basis for a justiciable claim.”

Could be worse though.

Supreme Court defines republic as “non-communist,” and disenfranchises leftist elements in order to preserve the fascist new order.

India cannot be described as socialist by any meaningful standard. Despite what it says in it’s constitution it is currently descending into the far right. The rest of the article is pretty devoid of facts too, I could write an essay on everything it gets wrong and why.

Marxism was never the only form of socialism and it never will be, no matter how much Tankies and the American right want it to be so.


Comes from huffing cow patties.

Red Lodge Mountain in the lede background.

The sad thing is I really want to see Montana on the motorcycle.

While I think there are a lot of nut jobs in America America regardless of the state is a beautiful land and it deserves better then some of these clueless shitheels

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‘It doesn’t matter if one is smarter then the mindless mob if the mob can kill you.’

He also proposed a bill during the 2019 session that would have had the state of Montana buy the Colstrip power plant. It was tabled in committee.

Seems he’s a socialist when it comes to benefiting causes he’s aligned with.